Sunbeam extension for running ShortBRED.
Clone into your Sunbeam extensions directory and update your config file
git clone extensions/sbx_shortbred cat sunbeam/extensions/sbx_shortbred/config.yml >> sunbeam_config.yml
Get a copy of USEARCH and install it in your
folder. Create a symlink to $CONDA_PREFIX/binPWD=`pwd` ln -sf $PWD/usearch10.0.240_i86linux32 $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/usearch
Download the AR-specific marker genes for CARD from the ShortBREAD website OR use the marker genes for a newer version of CARD.
wget gunzip ShortBRED_CARD_2017_markers.faa.gz
Link the marker database to the Sunbeam environment
mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/opt/shortbred_databases ln -sf $PWD/SHORTBRED_CARD_20180628_markers.faa $CONDA_PREFIX/opt/shortbred_databases
Update the Sunbeam environment.
conda env update --name=sunbeam --quiet --file extensions/sbx_shortbred/requirements.txt
This extension uses an isolated Conda environment for the ShortBRED
installation, so you need to include the --use-conda
argument when running
sunbeam run --configfile=sunbeam_config.yml --use-conda all_card