Deploy an end to end data pipeline for Chicago traffic api data and measure function performance using: Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Cloud Scheduler, BigQuery, Stackdriver Trace
- Use this as a template for your data pipelines
- Use this to extract and land Chicago traffic data
- Pick and choose which modules/code snippets are useful
- Understand how to measure function performance throughout execution
- Show me how to do it better :)
Data Pipeline Operations:
- Creates raw data bucket
- Creates BigQuery dataset and raw, staging, and final tables with defined schemas
- Downloads data from Chicago traffic API
- Ingests data as pandas dataframe
- Uploads pandas dataframe to raw data bucket as a parquet file
- Converts dataframe schema to match BigQuery defined schema
- Uploads pandas dataframe to raw BigQuery table
- Run SQL queries to capture and accumulate unique records based on current date
- Sends function performance metrics to Stackdriver Trace
Technologies: Cloud Shell, Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Cloud Scheduler, BigQuery, Stackdriver Trace
Languages: Python 3.7, SQL(Standard)
Technical Concepts:
- This was designed to be a python native solution and starter template for simple data pipelines
- This follows the procedural paradigm which groups like-functions in separate files and imports them as modules into the main entrypoint file. Each operation goes through ordered actions on objects vs. OOP in which objects perform the actions
- Pub/Sub is used as middleware as opposed to invoking an HTTP-triggered cloud function to minimize overhead code securing the URL in addition to Pub/Sub serving as a shock absorber to a sudden burst in invocations
- This is not intended for robust production deployment as it doesn't account for edge cases and dynamic error handling
- Lessons Learned: Leverage classes for interdependent functions and creating extensibility in table objects. I also forced stacktracing functionality to measure function performance on a pub/sub trigger, so you can't create a report based on http requests to analyze performance trends. Stackdriver Trace will start auto-creating performance reports once there's enough data.
Further Reading: For those looking for production-level deployments
- Streaming Tutorial:
- BQPipeline Utility Functions:
- I discovered the above after I created this pipeline...HA!
- An open Google Cloud account:
- Proficient in Python and SQL
- A heart and mind eager to create data pipelines
- Activate Cloud Shell:
- Clone repository
git clone
- Enable Google Cloud APIs: Stackdriver Trace API, Cloud Functions API, Cloud Pub/Sub API, Cloud Scheduler API, Cloud Storage, BigQuery API, Cloud Build API(gcloud CLI equivalent below when submitted through cloud shell)
#set project id
gcloud config set project [your-project-id]
#Enable Google service APIs
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Note: If you want to automate the build and deployment of this pipeline, submit the commands in order in cloud shell after completing the above steps. It skips step 5 below as it is redundant for auto-deployment.
Find your Cloudbuild service account in the IAM console. Ex: [unique-id]
#add role permissions to CloudBuild Service Account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [your-project-id] \
--member serviceAccount:[unique-id] \
--role roles/cloudfunctions.developer \
--role roles/cloudscheduler.admin \
--role roles/logging.viewer
#Deploy steps in cloudbuild configuration file
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
- Change directory to relevant code
cd serverless_data_pipeline_gcp/src
- Deploy cloud function with pub/sub trigger. Note: this will automatically create the trigger if it does not exist
gcloud functions deploy [function-name] --entry-point handler --runtime python37 --trigger-topic [topic-name]
gcloud functions deploy demo_function --entry-point handler --runtime python37 --trigger-topic demo_topic
- Test cloud function by publishing a message to pub/sub topic
gcloud pubsub topics publish [topic-name] --message "<your-message>"
gcloud pubsub topics publish demo_topic --message "Can you see this?"
- Check logs to see how function performed. You may have to re-execute this command line multiple times if logs don't show up initially
gcloud functions logs read --limit 50
- Deploy cloud scheduler job which publishes a message to Pub/Sub every 5 minutes
gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub [job-name] \
--schedule "*/5 * * * *" \
--topic [topic-name] \
--message-body '{"<Message-to-publish-to-pubsub>"}' \
--time-zone 'America/Chicago'
gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub schedule_function \
--schedule "*/5 * * * *" \
--topic demo_topic \
--message-body '{"Can you see this? With love, cloud scheduler"}' \
--time-zone 'America/Chicago'
- Test end to end pipeline by manually running cloud scheduler job. Next, repeat step 6 above.
gcloud beta scheduler jobs run [job-name]
gcloud beta scheduler jobs run schedule_function
- Understand pipeline performance by opening stacktrace and click "get_kpis":
Note: You'll notice extraneous blocks of comments and commented out code throughout the python scripts.