This repo has various python scripts that make it easy to analyze photometry and freeze frame data. There is a more general script that helps sort and separate columns with different colors.
In a browser go here, download and
run the "64-bit Git for Windows Setup"
Open a administrator command prompt and run:
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget
Open a new command prompt and run:
git clone
cd NumPPy
Windows: Follow the instructions here to install python on your system
In the opened command prompt, run:
pip3 install guizero numpy pandas xlrd xlsxwriter matplotlib openpyxl nested_dict h5py scipy pathlib bcolors==1.0.2
If you have to update the code, for example to pull in a fix or an update.
This assumes that you have already done the setup.
Open a command prompt:
cd NumPPy
git pull
In the opened command prompt (or open a command prompt), run:
To run the app in verbose mode (to get more logs), run:
python -v
To run unit tests:
python -m unittest test_binary
Sorts the color coded data from a given .xls(x) input file and outputs
them to an .xlsx file.
It can work with up to 100 different sheets in the input file.
User can choose to extract the same colored values into either one continuous column or into separate columns in the output file.
To get verbose output log fie:
python -v
Note Close the output file prior to running.
In the opened command prompt (or open a command prompt), run:
To run the app in verbose mode (to get more logs), run:
python -v
To run unit tests:
python -m unittest test_dff
# Or to run a particular test case:
python -m unittest test_dff.DffTest.test_bvt