This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
-update- the validation does not work still have to implement the dictionnary
Things you may want to cover:
This is an exercise that I did as a test. I had 3 hours to complete as much as possible. I didn't do enough but I decided to work on it as a test/playground to try to improve on ruby.
As a user, I have to create an account and connect to play. The user can create a new game As we create a game, we can create a party (up to 5 per game)
The app will generate a list of 10 letters randomly with at least 5 vowels and 5 consonents.
The user will have to type a word, the longest word as possible.
The app will validate the word:
---The user can't submit a word with more letters than is available in the list. ---The user can't use letters that are not in the list. ---The user have to submit a word that exist. ---If it is ok, then the user will gain 1 point per letter.