Cheetah is a dictionary-based brute force password webshell tool, running as fast as a cheetah hunt for prey.
Cheetah's working principle is that it can submit a large number of detection passwords based on different web services at once, blasting efficiency is thousands of times other common brute force password webshell tools.
This version is a graphical user version of Cheetah.
Fast speed.
Support proxy.
Support python 2.x and python 3.x
Support to read large password dictionary file.
Support to remove duplicate passwords of large password dictionary file.
Support for automatic detection of web services.
Support brute force batch webshell urls password.
Support for automatic forgery request header.
Currently support php, jsp, asp, aspx webshell.
git clone
cd cheetah
If there is a bug in the process of using welcome to submit issues, I will promptly reply and repair.