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ndcube Release Instructions

Stuart Mumford edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 30 revisions

For major releases only:


  • Create and change onto a new release branch from master labeled with the release number X.Y.

All of the following assumes that you are on the release branch and not master (X.Y e.g 1.0)


towncrier build --version vX.Y.Z

if it's a rc (release candidate) release do not select the option to delete the changelog files. We release full changelogs for all rcs.

  • Commit the changes
git add .
git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
  • Push directly to the release branch on sunpy/ndcube repo
git push upstream X.Y
  • Check that the CI passes on last commit on the branch (including the wheel builds).
  • Test that RTD is building the documentation correctly on the branch. The version should appear automatically but may be have to set to "Active" manually.

If you need to fix anything do so on the branch and forward port to master as need be (to reduce the CI builds).

  • Tag on and push (tag should be full version number preceded by a v)
git checkout X.Y
git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Releasing version vX.Y.Z"
git push --follow-tags upstream vX.Y.Z

This triggers the GitHub Actions release pipeline which will build and test the wheels and dist then upload them to PyPi for you.

If there is an issue at this step, the fix will be to update the config in the github actions workflows repo, a patch to this repository should only happen if somehow the inputs to the template need to be changed. Since we use tags, you will to update the tag and force push it. This should (re)start the tag job on GitHub Actions

  • Update the conda forge ndcube-feedstock repo, ideally a bot should do it for you. If not, the PR should reset the build number and update the version number and mda5sum. See as an example. Merge once CI is passed. To get the mda5sum, go to the ndcube page of the pypi website, click "download files". A table should appear with the package name/version, the file size, and the hash. The mda5sum is the hash.

Post Release:

  • Make sure all builds of ndcube are complete and uploaded (conda-forge and wheels)
  • Create the release on GitHub releases, copy the changelog into the description. The following pandoc command will convert it to markdown: pandoc -t markdown_strict CHANGELOG.rst.
  • Enable the tag on Read the Docs.
  • Make a commit to master which renders the changelog and removes the files.


  • Post release announcement on social media sites
  • Send release announcement to mailing lists
Email Template

Dear all,

The SunPy and ndcube developers present to you the latest release of ndcube <version>.
In this update the headline fixes are <fill in>

The full changelog is:

<fill in>

To update you can run these following commands:

Pip users:

pip install -U ndcube

Conda Users:

conda update ndcube

GitHub Users:

git pull <local upstream name> <version>

Please enjoy,
The SunPy & ndcube Developers
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