Download compiler according to your enviroment as the below link:
Add the compiler to your PATH:
export PATH=/home/user/compiler/bin:$PATH
Enter the build directory, generate the ddrinit-2133-xxxxxx.bin.out file after make
Follow the instruction as the below steps to update the ddrinit
Step 1: After the hardware connections(power and serial port), power on the StarLight / VisionFive and you will see the startup information as follows.
bootloader version:211102-0b86f96
ddr 0x00000000, 1M test
ddr 0x00100000, 2M test
DDR clk 2133M,Version: 211102-d086aee
Step 2: Press any key as soon as it starts up to enter the upgrade menu. In this menu, you can only update u-boot.
bootloader version:211102-0b86f96
ddr 0x00000000, 1M test
ddr 0x00100000, 2M test
DDR clk 2133M,Version: 211102-d086aee
*************** FLASH PROGRAMMING *****************
0:update uboot
select the function:
Step 3: Type root@s5t and press Enter to enter the extended version of the upgrade menu. In this menu, you can update u-boot, secondboot and ddrinit.
*************** FLASH PROGRAMMING *****************
0:update uboot
select the function: root@s5t
0:update second boot
1:update ddr init boot
2:update uboot
select the function:
Step 4: Type 1 and press Enter to update the ddrinit. Step 5: Navigate to File > Transfer > XMODEM > Send... and choose the ddrinit-2133-xxxxxx.bin.out.