Version 0.9.8
New features
analysis.plotLFP can now be applied to external data
Evolutionary and Optuna optimization can now read results from .pkl files
Enabled recording of stimulus variables (e.g. SEClamp i)
Added options in load func to avoid instantiating cells, conns, stims and/or rxd
Analysis and plotting of rate vs current (f-I) curve for single cell tuning
Recording and plotting of current dipoles in arbitrary subset of populations
Added option to plot LFP spectrogram with log y-axis
Added option to plot the log of connectivity in plotConn
Enabled random distribution of multiple synapses with synsPerConn>1 and connRandomSecFromList=True
Added lineWidth option to plot2Dnet (thanks Eric!)
Updated Travis Continuous Integration to use NEURON 7.8.1 (from 7.6.2)
Removed trailing white space from all Python files in the repository
Bug fixes
Fixed bug when using index with recordTraces
Fixed axes values in plotRxDConcentration and iplotRxDConcentration
Added links to necessary mod files in the importing cell models tutorial
Added aux_fun.inc to doc/source/code/mod as it's needed for some examples
Blocked terminal output from Git when no repository is found (i.e. with pip install netpyne)
Avoid adding section-based weightNorm values to point neurons (was affecting tut_import.py)
Prevent error when loading pointCell params from json by converting Dict to dict
Fixed bug in plotShape (thanks Eric!)
Updated setup.py so PyPI website renders the README as markdown
Fixed expected numSpikes in test of M1detailed example
Merged GUI branch into development branch
Fixed bug in iplotConn
Fixed bug and coloring in iplotSpikeStats with different themes