Version 1.0.0
New features
Added wrapper for distributed saving; can now simply replace 'sim.gatherData()' with 'sim.gatherDataFromNodes()'
Added distributed saving/loading ability (save/load data by MPI node)
Allowed to specify 'cellModel' and point neuron params in netParams.cellParams (not only in netParams.popParams)
Added cellsVisualizationSpacingMultiplier property to netParams
Improved Granger plot, renamed it plotGranger
Added interactive Granger plot (iplotGranger)
Implemented testing in GitHub Actions with pytest (thanks Daniel!)
Improved sim.clearAll such that it works even before a sim is run
Properly formatted all module docstrings
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in TupleToStr function
Fixed broken links in tutorials
Bokeh update required changing options from None to 'auto'