Version 1.0.3
New features
Added ability to load PointCell from saved network
Added MultiPlotter class to allow plotting line data on multiple axes
Added option to use separate axis for each PSD trace (set axis='multi')
Added new Batch method named SBI (Simulation Based Inference) with example folder (sbiOptim)
Added support for string functions in properties of cell mechanism, in cell geometry (in netParams.cellParams)
Added support for string functions in synMech parameters
Massive update of schemas (validator.py and setup.py)
More control over POINTER variables through synMechParams (e.g. for gap junctions)
Introduced cell variables in cellParams
Added plotRateSpectrogram to utils.py
Functions prepareCSD() and plotCSD() are now available
Updated documentation on install and about
Bug fixes
Fixed bug with loading CompartCell with custom mechanisms from saved network
Fixed bug with accessing proper sim data file during batch parameters optimization
Fixed bug where most batch optimization methods used to misname simulation output file
Fixed bug in pop.py: "gridSpacing" is in the list of excludeTags
Fixed bug in network.py: in the list "stimStringFuncParams" --> 'del' instead of 'delay', and removed 'i'
Fixed bug in conn.py: included "params['preSec'] = connParam.get('preSec')" in gapJunctions
Fixed bug in stim.py: 'Loc' with capital letter, for making 'synMechLocFactor'
Fixed some misinformation in reference.rst about the subconn
Fixed bug in dipole calculation units - changed from mA to uA
Fixed bug in conditional logic when gathering LFP / dipoles
Allow tuples to specify population's cells in 'include' for plotSpike
Cleaned up optuna optim tutorial