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Releases: superseriousbusiness/gotosocial


14 Oct 12:49
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v0.17.0-rc5 Pre-release

Here's version 0.17.0-rc5 of GoToSocial.

We fixed a couple bugs! And changed some deployment stuff! And updated some library versions!

Please read the migration notes carefully for instructions on how to upgrade to this version!

Migration notes


To upgrade to v0.17.0-rc5 from a previous release:


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Back up your database! If you're running on SQLite, this is as simple as copying your sqlite.db file, eg., cp sqlite.db sqlite.db.backup.
  3. Download and untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.
  4. Edit your config.yaml file if necessary (see below).
  5. Start GoToSocial.
  6. Wait patiently for any migrations to run, do not interrupt migrations or you could leave your db in a broken state and will have to restore from backup!
  7. Enjoy your updated instance.


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Back up your database! If you're running on SQLite, this is as simple as copying your sqlite.db file, eg., cp sqlite.db sqlite.db.backup.
  3. Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)
  4. Edit your config.yaml file or environment variables if necessary (see below).
  5. Start GoToSocial.
  6. Wait patiently for any migrations to run, do not interrupt migrations or you could leave your db in a broken state and will have to restore from backup!
  7. Enjoy your updated instance.


No configuration file changes in this release candidate compared to 0.17.0-rc4.

However, there are configuration file changes between this version and 0.16.0. Read the release notes of 0.17.0-rc1 for more information.

Database Migrations


No database migrations in this release candidate compared to 0.17.0-rc4.

However, there are some very long database migrations between this version and 0.16.0. Read the release notes of 0.17.0-rc1 for more information.


Which release archive/container should I use?

Tl;dr: Regardless of whether you're using SQLite or Postgres as your DB driver, you most likely you want the regular version without moderncsqlite in the name.

However, if you're on FreeBSD, 32-bit Linux or 32-bit ARM, we recommend using the moderncsqlite version instead.

You may need to change some configuration options too. See the table below:

OS Architecture Support level Binary archive Docker
Linux x86-64/AMD64 (64-bit) 🟢 Full linux_amd64.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5
Linux Armv8/ARM64 (64-bit) 🟢 Full linux_arm64.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5
FreeBSD x86-64/AMD64 (64-bit) 🟢 Full1 freebsd_amd64_moderncsqlite.tar.gz None provided
Linux x86-32/i386 (32-bit) 🟡 Partial2 linux_386_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5-moderncsqlite
Linux Armv7/ARM32 (32-bit) 🟡 Partial2 linux_armv7_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5-moderncsqlite
Linux Armv6/ARM32 (32-bit) 🟡 Partial2 linux_armv6_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5-moderncsqlite
Linux x86-32/i386 (32-bit) 🟡 Partial2 linux_386_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc5-moderncsqlite


moderncsqlite version currently recommended, though you might have success with the regular WASM SQLite version.

If running with regular WASM SQLite and having instability or memory issues, the following settings may help:

db-max-open-conns-multiplier: 0
db-sqlite-journal-mode: "TRUNCATE"
db-sqlite-synchronous: "FULL"


moderncsqlite version is needed, as performance with regular WASM SQLite is not guaranteed when running on 32-bit.

Remote media processing will likely not work with reasonable performance, so you should set the following config variables to prevent download of remote media onto your instance:

media-remote-max-size: 0
media-emoji-remote-max-size: 0

What's Changed

  • [bugfix] Account.last_status_at is a date, not datetime by @untitaker in #3419
  • [chore] Update goreleaser, add release notes template by @tsmethurst in #3421
  • [chore] goreleaser - use custom previous tag by @tsmethurst in #3422
  • [chore/bugfix] goreleaser make previous_tag cmd busybox-compatible by @tsmethurst in #3423
  • [chore] Ensure current tag not set as GORELEASER_PREVIOUS_TAG by @tsmethurst in #3424
  • [docs] fix httpsig repo typo by @cy7sh in #3426
  • [chore/docs] Add /gotosocial/.cache to Docker container, document GTS_WAZERO_COMPILATION_CACHE by @tsmethurst in #3425
  • [feature] for an sqlite database with journal mode != WAL, use maximum of 1 open connection by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #3428
  • [chore] Clarify supported platforms, add notes + docs by @tsmethurst in #3427
  • [chore]: Bump from 1.7.4 to 1.7.6 by @dependabot in #3430
  • [chore]: Bump from 7.0.77 to 7.0.78 by @dependabot in #3431
  • [feature/OFFICIALLY UNSUPPORTED] add nowasm build tag to disable building with WebAssembly by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #3429
  • [docs] Document experimental, unsupported nowasm tag by @tsmethurst in #3436

Full Changelog: v0.17.0-rc4...v0.17.0-rc5


11 Oct 14:10
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v0.17.0-rc4 Pre-release

⚠️ If updating to this release candidate from a version below 0.17.0-rc1, there are several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! ⚠️

If updating to this release candidate from another 0.17.0 release candidate, there's one smaller migration which should take something like a minute to ten minutes depending on your software. Please be patient!

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions < v0.17.0-rc1, see the v0.17.0-rc1 release candidate notes, but replace v0.17.0-rc1 with v0.17.0-rc4 throughout.

No config file changes between other release candidates and this version.

Which release archive/container should I use?

Tl;dr: Regardless of whether you're using SQLite or Postgres as your DB driver, you most likely you want the regular version without moderncsqlite in the name.

However, if you're on FreeBSD or OpenBSD, use the moderncsqlite version instead. See the table below:

OS Architecture Binary archive Docker
Linux x86-64/AMD64 (64-bit) linux_amd64.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4
Linux x86-32/i386 (32-bit) linux_386.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4
Linux Armv8/ARM64 (64-bit) linux_arm64.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4
Linux Armv7/ARM32 (32-bit) linux_armv7.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4
Linux Armv6/ARM32 (32-bit) linux_armv6.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4
OpenBSD x86-64/AMD64 (64-bit) openbsd_amd64_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4-moderncsqlite
FreeBSD x86-64/AMD64 (64-bit) freebsd_amd64_moderncsqlite.tar.gz superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc4-moderncsqlite


  • [chore] Create modernc sqlite builds alongside default wasm; add openbsd builds by @tsmethurst in #3413
  • [bugfix] Ensure pending_approval set on statuses + status faves by @tsmethurst in #3415
  • [bugfix] Check interaction policies properly on incoming Likes by @tsmethurst in #3416
  • [chore] Don't cc Accept of likes to followers by @tsmethurst in #3417

Full Changelog: v0.17.0-rc3...v0.17.0-rc4


10 Oct 08:52
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v0.17.0-rc3 Pre-release

⚠️ If updating to this release candidate from a version below 0.17.0-rc1, there are several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! ⚠️

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions < v0.17.0-rc1, see the v0.17.0-rc1 release candidate notes, but replace v0.17.0-rc1 with v0.17.0-rc3 throughout.

No config file changes between v0.17.0-rc2 or v0.17.0-rc1 and this version.


  • [bugfix] Fix replies not being stored pending approval by @tsmethurst in #3409
  • [bugfix] Add missing </a> on about page by @tsmethurst in #3410
  • [bugfix/frontend] Don't show replies to hidden parents; return 404 if no "main" thread by @tsmethurst in #3411

Full Changelog: v0.17.0-rc2...v0.17.0-rc3


08 Oct 09:28
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v0.17.0-rc2 Pre-release

⚠️ If updating to this release candidate from a version below 0.17.0-rc1, there are several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! ⚠️

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions < v0.17.0-rc1, see the v0.17.0-rc1 release candidate notes, but replace v0.17.0-rc1 with v0.17.0-rc2 throughout.

If updating from 0.17.0-rc1 to this version, there's a small index update that needs to run, which should be very fast.

No config file changes between v0.17.0-rc1 and this version.

Detailed changelog

Features / performance

  • [performance] remove the sqlite pragma optimize analysis limit on connection close by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #3386
  • [feature/frontend] Add Moonlight hunt theme by @tsmethurst in #3393
  • [feature] Distribute Accepts to followers; process Accepts of remote interactions by @tsmethurst in #3404




Full Changelog: v0.17.0-rc1...v0.17.0-rc2


24 Sep 10:50
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v0.17.0-rc1 Pre-release

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! We had to rejig the entire statuses table to introduce interaction policies (see below). ⚠️

Release highlights

Hello everyone! This is the first release candidate for v0.17.0 of GoToSocial! We've absolutely jam-packed this release (candidate) with goodies:

  • Interaction policies: This release gives you the ability to set interaction policies on your statuses using the settings panel. Interaction policies let you determine who can reply to, like, or boost your statuses. You can accept or reject interactions as you wish; accepted replies will be added to your replies collection, and unwanted replies will be dropped. This feature is still a work-in-progress as we will almost certainly have some kinks to work out in terms of implementation etc, but we wanted to get it into people's hands as quickly as possible.
    User docs here:
    Federation docs here:
  • Much wider range of support for different media types: In this release we've embedded a webassembly build of ffmpeg into the GoToSocial binary, so that users can post many different types of media than previously, including mp3, flac, and other audio types, and many more video types. Admins: you don't need to have ffmpeg installed on your server for this to work.
  • Audio player: to complement the new media types, we adapted our current video player to also play audio, so people visiting your profile can play MP3s and FLACs. Album art is supported when embedded in the audio file!
  • Header/avatar alt text: You can now set alt-text for your avatar + header images, so that screenreader users visiting your profile can read a description of your beautiful face.
  • Better threading model for statuses: On the web view of a thread, conversations are now indented at different levels, to make it easier to see who's replying to whom.
  • Prefers-reduced-motion is now supported, so that folks with animations turned off in their operating system or browser aren't confronted with lots of animation when they open your profile.
  • Conversations view: You can now view a list of your direct message conversations, making it much easier to keep track of who you're talking to.
  • Import/export csv files: It's now possible to import Mastodon-compatible CSV files for accounts you follow and accounts you block, making it much easier to migrate across instances. Export of these files is supported too.
  • Exclusive lists: You can now mark lists as "exclusive", which means that posts from accounts in an exclusive list will show up only in that list and not in your home timeline.
  • Show/hide posts on your profile: Previously only Public posts were shown on your web profile. This is still the default, but you can now choose to show unlisted posts on your web profile too (the Mastodon default), or to show no posts at all.
  • Lots of new themes: solarized, brutalist, ecks pee, and more.
  • Store worker queue on restart: when you stop the instance, pending tasks are stored into the database, and loaded again when you start up the instance, so that no tasks get lost between restarts.

Migration notes


To upgrade to 0.17.0-rc1 from a previous release:


  1. Stop GoToSocial
  2. Back up your database! For sqlite, this is as simple as copying your sqlite.db file.
  3. Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.
  4. Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).
  5. Start GoToSocial
  6. Wait patiently for migrations to run and do not interrupt them.


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Back up your database! For sqlite, this is as simple as copying your sqlite.db file.
  3. Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.17.0-rc1 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)
  4. Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).
  5. Start GoToSocial.
  6. Wait patiently for migrations to run and do not interrupt them.


The configuration file has changed since the previous release. You can see a diff of the config file here: v0.16.0...v0.17.0-rc1#diff-c071e03510b2c57e193a44503fd9528a785f0f411497cc75841a9f8d0b1ac622

  • Add db-postgres-connection-string.
  • Remove media-image-max-size and media-video-max-size.
  • Add media-local-max-size and media-remote-max-size.
  • Add media-ffmpeg-pool-size.
  • Add storage-s3-redirect-url.
  • Change http-client.timeout default from 10s to 30s to reduce occurrence of "could not download media" message.

Database Migrations

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! ⚠️

Detailed changelist

Features + performance

Read more

v0.16.0 Snappy Sloth

16 Jun 12:46
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Hello internet!

Roll up roll up and see ye all version 0.16.0 of GoToSocial, codename SNAPPY SLOTH.

Release highlights

  • Sign up / registration: In this release, you can open your instance to new registrations (aka sign-ups) via the new signup page at https://[your-instance.tld]/signup. No more manually creating new users via the CLI :)
    Documentation here:
  • Accounts overview for moderators: To support the new sign-up feature, and help instance admins to moderate, we made a new section in the settings panel where admins + moderators can get an overview of accounts, and filter by instance, status, and more. You'll find this new accounts view in the settings panel.
  • Totally reworked message delivery system and worker queues: We've completely reworked the way GoToSocial sends out messages to your followers and performs worker-related tasks; this should drastically increase the speed that outgoing messages are delivered, especially for users with lots of followers. It also paves the way for future work in terms of persisting worker and message queues over restarts.
  • Account mutes: The account mute API endpoints are now implemented, meaning you can put (timed) mutes of accounts in place, to hide statuses from specific accounts from your home timeline, and/or hide notifications from muted accounts.
  • Accurate account stats: This release introduces code to pull up-to-date counts of statuses, followers, and following from remote instances and show these stats via the API. So now in your client of choice, you should see an accurate count of the number of statuses and followers/following of a given account, no more "0 followers, 0 following, 0 statuses".
  • HTTP header permissions settings: The settings panel now has a section that allows admins to set regular expressions to deny requests depending on HTTP headers.
    Documentation here:
  • Filters v2 implementation: We've now implemented the v2 API for filters, which means you can create more complex filters to hide keywords or statuses, and more clients should be able to create filters on GoToSocial.
  • Send test email: Admins can now use the settings panel to send a test email, to check if their SMTP (email) configuration is valid.
  • Profile API: Clients that use the profile API to delete avatar + header images should now work, since we've now implemented this part of the API.
  • Search operators: We've added a first search operator to GoToSocial, so when you're searching for statuses, you can add from:@[username]@[domain] to your search term, to search only within statuses created by the given account (while still respecting the search limitations we already had in place).
    Documentation here:
  • Email change: Users can now change their email address in the settings panel without admin intervention.
    Documentation here:
  • Memory usage optimizations: GoToSocial now uses memory more conservatively than before; you should only need about 150-200MiB of memory to run GtS with a full cache, and it will spike less.

Migration notes


To upgrade to 0.16.0 from a previous release:


  1. Stop GoToSocial
  2. Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.
  3. Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).
  4. Start GoToSocial


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.16.0 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)
  3. Start GoToSocial.


The configuration file has changed since the previous release. You can see a diff of the config file here: v0.15.0...v0.16.0#diff-c071e03510b2c57e193a44503fd9528a785f0f411497cc75841a9f8d0b1ac622

Database Migrations

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a couple seconds and ten minutes or more (on slower hardware). Please be patient! ⚠️

Detailed Changelog

Features + Performance


Read more


14 Jun 11:35
Choose a tag to compare

Hiya! Third RC for 0.16.0!

No db migrations or config file changes between v0.16.0-rc2 and this version, so upgrading is as simple as updating your docker container or stopping GtS, untarring the release, and starting GtS again.

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions < v0.16.0-rc1, see the v0.16.0-rc1 release candidate notes, but replace v0.16.0-rc1 with v0.16.0-rc3 throughout.

Detailed Changelog


11 Jun 10:28
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v0.16.0-rc2 Pre-release

Hiya! Second RC for 0.16.0!

No db migrations or config file changes between v0.16.0-rc1 and this version, so upgrading is as simple as updating your docker container or stopping GtS, untarring the release, and starting GtS again.

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions < v0.16.0-rc1, see the v0.16.0-rc1 release candidate notes, but replace v0.16.0-rc1 with v0.16.0-rc2 throughout.

Detailed Changelog

v0.16.0-rc1 Snappy Sloth

08 Jun 13:21
Choose a tag to compare

Hello you nerds, dorks, and dweebs ❤️

This here is the first release candidate for version 0.16.0 of GoToSocial, codename SNAPPY SLOTH.

Release highlights

  • Sign up / registration: In this release, you can open your instance to new registrations (aka sign-ups) via the new signup page at https://[your-instance.tld]/signup. No more manually creating new users via the CLI :)
    Documentation here:
  • Accounts overview for moderators: To support the new sign-up feature, and help instance admins to moderate, we made a new section in the settings panel where admins + moderators can get an overview of accounts, and filter by instance, status, and more. You'll find this new accounts view in the settings panel.
  • Totally reworked message delivery system and worker queues: We've completely reworked the way GoToSocial sends out messages to your followers and performs worker-related tasks; this should drastically increase the speed that outgoing messages are delivered, especially for users with lots of followers. It also paves the way for future work in terms of persisting worker and message queues over restarts.
  • Account mutes: The account mute API endpoints are now implemented, meaning you can put (timed) mutes of accounts in place, to hide statuses from specific accounts from your home timeline, and/or hide notifications from muted accounts.
  • Accurate account stats: This release introduces code to pull up-to-date counts of statuses, followers, and following from remote instances and show these stats via the API. So now in your client of choice, you should see an accurate count of the number of statuses and followers/following of a given account, no more "0 followers, 0 following, 0 statuses".
  • HTTP header permissions settings: The settings panel now has a section that allows admins to set regular expressions to deny requests depending on HTTP headers.
    Documentation here:
  • Filters v2 implementation: We've now implemented the v2 API for filters, which means you can create more complex filters to hide keywords or statuses, and more clients should be able to create filters on GoToSocial.
  • Send test email: Admins can now use the settings panel to send a test email, to check if their SMTP (email) configuration is valid.
  • Profile API: Clients that use the profile API to delete avatar + header images should now work, since we've now implemented this part of the API.
  • Search operators: We've added a first search operator to GoToSocial, so when you're searching for statuses, you can add from:@[username]@[domain] to your search term, to search only within statuses created by the given account (while still respecting the search limitations we already had in place).
    Documentation here:
  • Email change: Users can now change their email address in the settings panel without admin intervention.
    Documentation here:
  • Memory usage optimizations: GoToSocial now uses memory more conservatively than before; you should only need about 150-200MiB of memory to run GtS with a full cache, and it will spike less.

Migration notes


To upgrade to 0.16.0-rc1 from a previous release:


  1. Stop GoToSocial
  2. Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.
  3. Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).
  4. Start GoToSocial


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.16.0-rc1 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)
  3. Start GoToSocial.


The configuration file has changed since the previous release. You can see a diff of the config file here: v0.15.0...v0.16.0-rc1#diff-c071e03510b2c57e193a44503fd9528a785f0f411497cc75841a9f8d0b1ac622

Database Migrations

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a couple seconds and ten minutes or more (on slower hardware). Please be patient! ⚠️

Detailed Changelog

Features + Performance


Read more

v0.15.0 Shagadelic Sloth

11 Apr 09:14
Choose a tag to compare

Hey nerds! 🌷 🦥 🌸

First spring time release of GoToSocial, here's version 0.15.0 Shagadelic Sloth!

Release highlights

Blurple light: Light blue/purple/pink theme.

Blurple dark: Dark blue/purple theme.

Midnight trip: chunky purple and neon-green theme with magenta ombre.

Soft: a light pink, blue, and white theme.

Sunset: yellow / orange / aubergine theme with a sunset ombre.

Migration notes


To upgrade to 0.15.0 from a previous release:


  1. Stop GoToSocial
  2. Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.
  3. Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).
  4. Start GoToSocial


  1. Stop GoToSocial.
  2. Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.15.0 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)
  3. Start GoToSocial.


No config file changes in this release compared to 0.14.2.

Database Migrations

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a couple seconds and ten minutes or more (on slower hardware). Please be patient! ⚠️

Detailed changelog

Features / performance


  • [chore/bugfix] Little DB fixes by @tsmethurst in #2726
  • [bugfix] Fix Swagger spec and add test script by @VyrCossont in #2698
  • [bugfix] add workaround for Xsqlite_interrupt() permanently breaking connection by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2731
  • [bugfix] Don't error when populating MovedTo if account not found by @tsmethurst in #2741
  • [bugfix] Fix whitespace move_id issue by @tsmethurst in #2742
  • [bugfix] bump to fixed version (v1.28.0 -> v1.29.4) by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2749
  • [bugfix] only check replyTo visibility during permission checks IF status is local by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2757
  • [bugfix] Don't return 500 when searching for unpermitted status by @tsmethurst in #2753
  • [bugfix] Parse links that contain non-ascii characters by @tsmethurst in #2762
  • [bugfix] add all possible busy result codes to the sqlite errBusy catching check by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2775
  • [bugfix] Mitigate empty public/local timeline query pages by @tsmethurst in #2784
  • [bugfix] Serve correct URI for AP following collection by @tsmethurst in #2787
  • [bugfix] httpclient not signing subsequent redirect requests by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2798
  • [bugfix] set the host header within the signing transport by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2799
  • [bugfix] Set domain for empty-domain Friendica accounts by @tsmethurst in #2800
  • 6db7d01 [bugfix] Ensure side effects for local -> local follows get processed (#2820)
  • 85bc140 [bugfix] temporarily replace with (#2811)
  • 83e7847 [bugfix] fix possible nil panic (#2809)
  • 8ed1b81 [bugfix] Sort follows chronologically (#2801)
  • 15ede4c [bugfix] improved authenticate post inbox error handling (#2803)

Chores / version bumps

  • [chore] Fix a Swagger warning that only manifests during Go client code generation by @VyrCossont in #2729
  • [chore] Downgrade sqlite v1.29.2 -> v1.28.0 by @tsmethurst in #2736
  • [chore] seperate snapshot from release in goreleaser by @CDN18 in #2740
  • [chore]: Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.7.0 by @dependabot in #2745
  • [chore]: Bump from 5.5.3 to 5.5.5 by @dependabot in #2747
  • [chore]: Bump from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #2733
  • [chore]: Bump from 7.0.67 to 7.0.69 by @dependabot in #2748
  • [chore] Update usage of OTEL libraries by @daenney in #2725
  • [chore] Expose move endpoint again, small settings panel fixes by @tsmethurst in #2752
  • [chore] Different error message for email validation from net/mail parsing on go 1.21.8 and above by @blakesmith in #2760
  • [chore]: Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot in #2765
  • [chore]: Bump from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #2766
  • Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /web/source by @dependabot in #2763
  • [chore]: Bump from 2.20.18 to 2.20.19 by @dependabot in #2767
  • [chore]: Bump from 1.29.4 to 1.29.5 by @dependabot in #2768
  • [chore] Move local account settings to separate db table by @tsmethurst in #2770
  • [chore]: Bump from 0.0.6 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #2781
  • [chore]: Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in #2778
  • [chore]: Bump from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 by @dependabot in #2779
  • [chore]: Bump from 0.0...
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