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redux with sockjs

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for es6 project, babel-preset-stage-0 syntax

on server

  import { startReduxServer } from 'redux-sockjs/server'
  const channel = startReduxServer({
    port: 1000, // port should be same with browser

  channel.receive(action => {

on browser use webpack or browserify

  import { startReduxClient, actionCreator, middleware as reduxSockjs, createReducer } from 'redux-sockjs'

  /* when use actionCreator, the reduxSockjs must be used and vice versa */

  const channel = startReduxClient({
    port: 1000, // port should be same with server

  /* channel must bound to createAction first, then use redux middle to create store */
  const createAction = actionCreator(channel)

  const createUser = createAction('ADD_USER')

  const userReducer = createReducer({
    'INITIAL_STATE': (state, action) => action.payload,
    'ADD_USER': (state, action) => [...state, action.payload],
  }, [])

  // use reduxPromise before reduxSockjs
  const store = createStore(combineReducers({
    user: userReducer,
  }), applyMiddleware(reduxPromise, reduxSockjs))

  channel.on('open', () => {
    store.dispatch(createUser({ name: 'bob' }))

  // it is async, when data send to server and broadcast to browser
  // store.getState().user will be [{ name: 'bob' }]

if some server operation take too long, you can use promise action

  import { startReduxClient, createAction as actionCreator, middleware as reduxSockjs } from 'redux-sockjs'

  /* when use actionCreator, the reduxSockjs must be used and vice versa */

  const channel = startReduxClient({
    port: 1000, // port should be same with server

  /* channel must bound to createAction first, then use redux middle to create store */
  const createAction = actionCreator(channel)

  const createUser = createAction('ADD_USER', true)

  const userReducer = createReducer({
    'INITIAL_STATE': (state, action) => action.payload,
    'ADD_USER': (state, action) => [...state, action.payload],
  }, [])

  /* use reduxPromise before reduxSockjs */
  const store = createStore(combineReducers({
    user: userReducer,
  }), applyMiddleware(reduxPromise, reduxSockjs))

  channel.on('open', async () => {
    await store.dispatch(createUser({ name: 'bob' }))
    console.log(store.getState().user) // [{ name: 'bob' }]

  // it is async, when data send to server and broadcast to browser
  // store.getState().user will be [{ name: 'bob' }]

Server API


if no param, just startServer(), it will use default param as below

    port = 3000,
    ip = '',
    sockjsPrefix = '/sockjs-redux',
    log = () => {}, // a function for log of sockjs, reference from [sockjs-node doc](
    server, // server should be http.Server instance, if not defined, will use default server created by http.createServer()
    // use https.createServer() when needed

reduxChannel instance method

reduxChannel on server inherites nodejs "events", and has some own method as below

  • receive(func)

can receive many functions, when receive data, each will be called with data

  • remove(func)

remove func from receive data functions

  • send(data)

send data to client async

  • broadcast(data)

    like send, but send data to all connected client

Client API


if no param, just startClient(), it will use default param as below the protocal should correspond to the server protocal

  const reduxChannel = startReduxClient({
    port = 3000,
    domain = '', // domain or ip
    sockjsPrefix = '/sockjs-redux',
    protocal = 'http', // http or https
    reconnectInterval = 0, // reconnect interval, millisecond
    reconnectMax = 0, // reconnect max retry count

reduxChannel instance method

reduxChannel on client inherites nodejs "events", and has some own method as below

  • reconnect(interval, maxRetry)

    when reconnect, it`s emitter property will be replaced new one

  • receive(func)

can receive many functions, when receive data, each will be called with data

  • remove(func)

remove func from receive data functions

  • send(data)

send data to server async


receive an return value of startReduxClient return a function to create action

  const createAction = actionCreator(reduxChannel)
  const actionAddTodo = createAction('ADD_TODO')


use sockjs to pub and sub redux action






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