(Continued) Fixes, Bumps, and Convivence Features | v1.6.2
full changes in CHANGES.md now
My bad I did a oopsie
Fixes (1.6.1 -> 1.6.2)
- Not have the chat warning frequency permadisabled
Changes (1.6.0 -> 1.6.1)
- Ability to automatically quit bot detector when tf2 quits (#30)
- Attempt to fix font issues (#32)
- Make requests that failed with BadGateway/ServiceUnavailable give up after 20 tries
- Do not append chat message if it not a chat_rule match (#23) (shitty fix but it works)
- Ability to send all chat warnings once per player
- Bump imgui to 1.90.5
- Fixed chat/console log files being saved in the wrong directory when using launch from steam feature, whoops!
Linux notes:
- For people compiling in archlinux latest and if it fails with fmt something just add
for now- I will investigate when I feel like it, for now you have "really bad fix which works for now"
- Forgot to mention last time: Idk if I'm allowed to bundle and distribute libdiscord_game_sdk.so in the tf2bd zip tbh so just download it urself here and place it in the bd folder.
- https://discord.com/developers/docs/game-sdk/getting-started
- this is a required (afik) dependency
- make an issue if you hate discord and want me to upload a zip without discord integration
Extra Comments
I found issue #23 annoying enough to push this slightly "early", so. enjoy?