A simple Scala-centric static site generator for podcasts
- Getting Started
- Example podcast
- Developer Resources
You'll need a Java virtual machine installed (audiofluidity is developed against a Java 11 VM).
You'll need to download the latest audiofluidity release, unpack it, and place its bin
directory in your execution PATH
$ cd ~/tmp
$ mkdir superpodcast
$ cd superpodcast/
$ audiofluidity init
2021-10-09T12:07:15.072-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Podcast template initialized.
That's it!
Now our superpodcast
directory has the following structure:
| |
| +-scala <-- your podcast will be defined by Scala source files in this directory
| | |
| | +-AudiofluidityGenerator.scala <-- a template for your PodcastGenerator instance
| |
| +-audio <-- place your mp3 audio files here
| |
| +-coverimage <-- place your podcast cover image and optionally episode cover images here
| |
| +-docroot <-- place anything you want here, it will be merged with generated artifacts to form your podcast website
| |
| +-episoderoot <-- create subdirectories that match episode UIDs, and the content will be merged with generated episode directories
+-lib/ <-- optionally place jar files that your podcast definition depends upon here
+-.gitignore <-- excludes tmp dirs and the generated output directory from version control
+-.audiofluidity <-- for internal use by the audiofluidity app, at least for now
+-audiofluidity.properties <-- keeps track of the "build" that generated this directory to ensure consistency
Under the informal standard defined by Apple, every podcast must have at least a main cover image (a square JPG or PNG between 1400 x 1400 and 3000 x 3000 pixels), and at least one episode with an mp3 audio file. Optionally, episodes may also define cover images.
Before we can generate a podcast, we'll need to provide those resources.
$ cp ~/somewhere/some-cover-art.jpg ./src/coverimage/
$ cp ~/somewhere/something.mp3 ./src/audio
You have to supply a fair amount of information to generate a podcast in the style Apple and other podcast indexers now expect. With audiofluidity
, this information is defined in Scala.
In src/scala
, we define a class called AudiofluidityGenerator
that implements the PodcastGenerator
A template of this class is already defined. Let's take a look:
import audiofluidity.*
import audiofluidity.Element.Itunes
import java.time.ZoneId
import scala.collection.*
class AudiofluidityGenerator extends PodcastGenerator.Base:
// only mandatory and near-mandatory parameters are shown in the generated template.
// Many more parameters can and usually should be provided.
// See the source, Episode.scala and Podcast.scala
val episodes : List[Episode] =
uid = ???, // String
title = ???, // String
description = ???, // String
sourceAudioFileName = ???, // String
publicationDate = ??? // String, Format: YYYY-MM-DD
) :: Nil
val podcast : Podcast =
mainUrl = ???, // String
title = ???, // String
description = ???, // String
guidPrefix = ???, // String
shortOpaqueName = ???, // String
mainCoverImageFileName = ???, // String
editorEmail = ???, // String
defaultAuthorEmail = ???, // String
itunesCategories = immutable.Seq( ??? ), //immutable.Seq[ItunesCategory], ??? is one or several ItunesCategory values, only first was is used, not mandatory as RSS, but strongly recommended by Apple Podcast
mbAdmin = Some(Admin(name=???, email=???)), //Option[Admin], ??? are Strings, not mandatory as RSS, but strongly recommended by Apple Podcast
mbLanguage = Some(???), //Option[LanguageCode], not mandatory as RSS, but strongly recommended by Apple Podcast
mbPublisher = Some(???), //Option[String], not mandatory as RSS, but strongly recommended by Apple Podcast
episodes = episodes
// Optionally uncomment and customize the preparsedCommand if you wish audiofluidity to deploy for you.
val deployer = new Deployer.Exec(/* preparsedCommand = immutable.Seq("rsync", "-av", ".", "user@host:/web/server/root") */)
Basically, we'll want to fill in all of the blanks marked ???
. We are writing Scala code here, so Strings should usually be provided
as double-quoted string literals. Very helpfully here, we can also use thrice-double-quoted multiline string literals.
Let's start with the podcast values.
is the URL to which your podcast's root directory will eventually be deployed. It should end with a/
character. We'll usehttps://superpodcast.audiofluidity.com/
for this example. Eventually we'll upload the site generated byaudiofluidity
to your web server, which will be configured to serve it from this URL. -
Our title will just be
. -
will be the heart of your podcast's cover page. It should contain HTML, not just a short string. We'll bullshit something here, as a multiline Scala String. -
Each episode is going to be given what is supposed to be a global unique ID (UID). To do this, audiofluidity will prepend a
to each episode's within-podcast UID (which will usually just be an episode number like"1"
, so hardly globally unique. To ensure this combination yields a globally unique UID, let's use the usual trick of basing our prefix on DNS we control. We'll usecom.audiofluidity.superpodcast-
as our prefix. -
Some generated files may want to include the name of our podcast, but since the podcast title may be long and contain spaces and punctuation, it's not necesarily appropriate.
is a kind of mini-title suitable for inclusion in generated file names. We'll just usesuperpodcast
. -
In the prior step, we say that our
. We don't have to supply any path information. It's expected insrc/coverimage
. -
is an e-mail address of the podcast editor. We'll just use[email protected]
. This becomesmanagingEditor
in the podcast's RSS feed. -
Each episode should have an author (which is incorporated into the RSS feed). The podcast's
becomes that author if an author is not provided at the episode level. (It's optional there.) We'll use[email protected]
again here. -
Apple requires a category (with an optional subcategory) for each podcast it indexes. More than one catgory can be provided, but for now all but the first are ignore. You can see all the available categories here We'll use
. -
Apple wants an administrative contact to be provided with each podcast (which defines
in the generated RSS). We'll useAsshole
and[email protected]
. -
Apple wants a language code supplied in the RSS feed. See LanguageCode.scala. We'll use
. -
Apple wants a publisher defined, just the name of an entity (which becomes
in the Apple-ified RSS). We'll useDoes Not Exist, LLC
So, filling it all in, we have...
val podcast : Podcast =
mainUrl = "https://superpodcast.audiofluidity.com/",
title = "Superpodcast",
description = """|<p>Superpodcast is the best podcast you've ever heard.</p>
|<p>In fact, you will never hear it.</p>""".stripMargin,
guidPrefix = "com.audiofluidity.superpodcast-",
shortOpaqueName = "superpodcast",
mainCoverImageFileName = "some-cover-art.jpg",
editorEmail = "[email protected]",
defaultAuthorEmail = "[email protected]",
itunesCategories = immutable.Seq( ItunesCategory.Comedy ),
mbAdmin = Some(Admin(name="Asshole", email="[email protected]")),
mbLanguage = Some(LanguageCode.EnglishUnitedStates),
mbPublisher = Some("Does Not Exist, LLC"),
episodes = episodes
Note the use of Scala's multiline string and related utilities in defining the description.
This is just ordinary scala code; you can reorganize it any way the Scala language would allow. You could define a separate variable, something like...
val podcastDescription =
"""|<p>Superpodcast is the best podcast you've ever heard.</p>
|<p>In fact, you will never hear it.</p>""".stripMargin,
for example, and then in your podcast definition...
description = podcastDescription,
in the Podcast
constructor. But for now, we'll keep it simple and in-line.
There are many more, optional, values we could have supplied in defining our Podcast
. See the source code for all the rest!
We have lots fewer values that we have to supply for an episode (although here too, there are many optional fields we can supply). Let's look back at our template, and go through them.
is a unique identifier of each episode within this podcast. It doesn't have to be globally unique. Usually we'll want numbered episodes, so this should just be an episode number, like"1"
. -
is just the title of your episode. Let's useThe Fish is Dead
, because why not? -
is the HTML text that podcasters often refer to as "show notes". This can and usually should contain links to related resources! -
is the name of the episode mp3 file insrc/audio
. Ours was calledsomething.mp3
. -
is required, inYYYY-MM-DD
format. We'll use2021-10-10
Putting it all together, here is our filled-in file:
import audiofluidity.*
import audiofluidity.Element.Itunes
import java.time.ZoneId
import scala.collection.*
class AudiofluidityGenerator extends PodcastGenerator.Base:
// only mandatory and near-mandatory parameters are shown in the generated template.
// Many more parameters can and usually should be provided.
// See the source, Episode.scala and Podcast.scala
val episodes : List[Episode] =
uid = "1",
title = "The Fish is Dead",
description = """|<p>It's true.</p>
|<p>The fish is dead.</p>
|<p><b>Related Links</b></p>
| <li><a href="https://symbolismandmetaphor.com/dead-fish-meaning-symbolism/">Dead Fish Meaning and Symbolism</a></li>
sourceAudioFileName = "something.mp3",
publicationDate = "2021-10-10"
) :: Nil
val podcast : Podcast =
mainUrl = "https://superpodcast.audiofluidity.com/",
title = "Superpodcast",
description = """|<p>Superpodcast is the best podcast you've ever heard.</p>
|<p>In fact, you will never hear it.</p>""".stripMargin,
guidPrefix = "com.audiofluidity.superpodcast-",
shortOpaqueName = "superpodcast",
mainCoverImageFileName = "some-cover-art.jpg",
editorEmail = "[email protected]",
defaultAuthorEmail = "[email protected]",
itunesCategories = immutable.Seq( ItunesCategory.Comedy ),
mbAdmin = Some(Admin(name="Asshole", email="[email protected]")),
mbLanguage = Some(LanguageCode.EnglishUnitedStates),
mbPublisher = Some("Does Not Exist, LLC"),
episodes = episodes
// Optionally uncomment and customize the preparsedCommand if you wish audiofluidity to deploy for you.
val deployer = new Deployer.Exec(/* preparsedCommand = immutable.Seq("rsync", "-av", ".", "user@host:/web/server/root") */)
Once your cover art and audio have been supplied and your AudiofluidityGenerator.scala
file is defined,
generating your podcast is easy.
$ audiofluidity generate
2021-10-10T00:49:35.084-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Compiling scala-defined podcast generator...
2021-10-10T00:49:37.275-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Compilation of scala-defined podcast generator succeeded.
2021-10-10T00:49:37.277-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Adding renderer-defined documents to 'src/docroot' directory before generation, if overriding documents are not already defined.
2021-10-10T00:49:37.281-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Generating podcast website and RSS feed.
2021-10-10T00:49:37.394-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Successfully generated podcast 'Superpodcast'.
You'll find that audiofluidity will have defined two new directories, tmp
and podcastgen
. Your podcast static site lives at podcastgen
The core of your site is its rss feed, defined as feed.rss
in that directory. However, this is also a website, which you can open in a browser. You'll see that, for now, it is a very rudimentary
and ugly website. You can make it less awful via CSS. Elements of the generated HTML files contain class attributes to help you style the output. You'll find an initial
CSS file that you can augment and modify in src/docroot
If you want to control the structure of the generated HTML, rather than merely style the default documents, you'll have to define your own Renderer
If you do this, just add
override val renderer : Renderer = new MyCustomRenderer()
to your AudiofluidityGenerator.scala
You can always deploy your podcast by hand, uploading it however you upload it to your webserver.
But if there is a simple command you can run to deply, you can provide that in your AudiofluidityGenerator.scala
file. Uncomment and replace the preparsedCommand
in the following line:
val deployer = new Deployer.Exec(/* preparsedCommand = immutable.Seq("rsync", "-av", ".", "user@host:/web/server/root") */)
The command you provide (the first item of the Seq
) will be run, with your podcastgen
output directory as its current working directory. So the directory you will want to upload is just .
The items in the Seq
after the command names are the arguments to the command you wish to run.
Once you provide a deployment command, audiofuidity deploy
will ensure that your site is generated from its current source, and then run the deployment command. Here's an example.
$ audiofluidity deploy
2021-10-10T00:02:41.138-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Compiling scala-defined podcast generator...
2021-10-10T00:02:41.188-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Compilation of scala-defined podcast generator succeeded.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.189-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Adding renderer-defined documents to 'src/docroot' directory before generation, if overriding documents are not already defined.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.203-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: File 'src/docroot/podcast.css' exists already. Leaving as-is, NOT overwriting with classloader resource 'initsite/podcastgen/podcast.css'.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.204-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Generating podcast website and RSS feed.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.339-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: Skipping copy of 'HelloScratchfluidity.mp3' as destination is newer.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.347-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: Skipping copy of 'podcast.css' as destination is newer.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.348-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: Skipping copy of 'notebook.gif' as destination is newer.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.348-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: Skipping copy of 'readme.txt' as destination is newer.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.349-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.util.package: Skipping copy of 'double-bubble-dark.png' as destination is newer.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.350-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Successfully generated podcast 'Scratchfluidity', will now deploy.
2021-10-10T00:02:41.351-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Deploying generated podcast from 'podcastgen'
2021-10-10T00:02:41.352-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Executing preparsed deployment command: "rsync", "-av", ".", "[email protected]:/home/web/public/audiofluidity-scratch"
2021-10-10T00:02:42.407-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: building file list ... done
2021-10-10T00:02:42.468-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: ./
2021-10-10T00:02:43.043-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: feed.rss
2021-10-10T00:02:43.043-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: index.html
2021-10-10T00:02:43.043-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: podcast.css
2021-10-10T00:02:43.044-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: scratchfluidity-coverart.jpg
2021-10-10T00:02:43.050-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: episodes/
2021-10-10T00:02:43.050-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: episodes/episode-1/
2021-10-10T00:02:43.050-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: episodes/episode-1/index.html
2021-10-10T00:02:43.050-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: episodes/episode-1/scratchfluidity-audio-episode-1.mp3
2021-10-10T00:02:43.059-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: image/
2021-10-10T00:02:43.060-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: image/notebook.gif
2021-10-10T00:02:43.060-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: image/double-bubble-dark/
2021-10-10T00:02:43.060-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: image/double-bubble-dark/double-bubble-dark.png
2021-10-10T00:02:43.060-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: image/double-bubble-dark/readme.txt
2021-10-10T00:02:43.300-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output:
2021-10-10T00:02:43.301-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: sent 10835 bytes received 13032 bytes 9546.80 bytes/sec
2021-10-10T00:02:43.301-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deploy command output: total size is 2177221 speedup is 91.22
2021-10-10T00:02:43.302-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Deployer: Deployment complete.
2021-10-10T00:02:43.302-0700 [INFO] audiofluidity.Audiofluidity: Deployment complete.
Once deployed, you can use resources like https://castfeedvalidator.com/ and https://podba.se/validate/ to validate your podcast feed.
Users of apps that accept podcast RSS feed URLs will immediately be able to subscribe to your podcast!
When your feed validates, follow the directions under Submit an RSS feed to get your podcast into Apple Podcasts. See also Spotify and Google.
For every new episode, you'll need to add an mp3 file, then update the episode list in AudiofluidityGenerator.scala
with information about the new episode.
You can also modify or update other information in that file, at the podcast level or from previous episodes.
Then just run audiofluidity generate
and upload the podcastgen
directory to your server (or better yet, if you've configured it, just run audiofluidity deploy
) and your
podcast will be updated.
audiofluidity is very fresh software, But you can see a test site (not yet submitted to Apple or any other podcast aggregators) at https://scratch.audiofluidity.com/
You can subscribe to the podcast with apps that accept Podcast RSS feeds.
You can check out its audiofluidity project on github.
- RSS 2.0 Spec https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html
- W3C RSS2 Spec https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html
- Apple Podcast RSS Feed Requirements https://podcasters.apple.com/support/823-podcast-requirements
- Apple Podcaster's Guide to RSS https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
- Spotify Podcast Delivery Specification https://podcasters.spotify.com/terms/Spotify_Podcast_Delivery_Specification_v1.6.pdf
- RSS feed guidelines for Google Podcasts https://support.google.com/podcast-publishers/answer/9889544#required_podcast
- RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Content https://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/
Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389872/where-is-the-official-podcast-dtd