RULES: Rock > Scissors, Paper > Rock, Scissors > Paper
1.Player needs to create an account using <userName> & <password> as input on a POST call to /player
2. Make a POST api call to /player/login with the body {userName,password}. a session token will be generated
3. Use the session token in the header as 'authorization' key with the value `Bearer <token>`
the game takes the <input> => 0,1,2 where 0 = ROCK, 1=Paper, 3=Scissors
make a POST to /game with the body
{choice: <input>}
With user session token, make a GET to /game/leaderboard
Using user session token, make a GET to /game/cpu
Using user session token, make GET to /game/mygames
$ yarn install
# development
$ docker compose up
# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod
# Tests
$ yarn test
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov
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