This repository provides an example of using Synapticon drives (SOMANET Node, SOMANET Circulo and SOMANET Integro) in CSP, CSV, and CST modes using the ROS2 package. It utilizes SOEM Ethercat Master
The intention of this README is to provide instructions on how to quickly start using Synapticon Devices with ROS2 using Synapticon library.
Additionally, in order to make it compatible with other Linux distributions, we provide Docker file and script for automatic interface recognition and quick set-up of the package inside the container.
The provided package assumes that the laptop on which the setup is used has only one Ethernet port and that only one device is connected at the time. Connection of the external encoders (if internal ones are not used) is labeled with cyan color. Hardware can be used once the parameters are configured with OBLAC tools. Detailed instructions and wiring diagrams for all the devices are available at our official web page documentation. The simplified block diagram of the wiring used in this setup is given below:
In this demo, we consider two scenarios:
- Ubuntu 22.04 is installed on the system and ROS Humble and Synapticon package will be installed on that system
- User wants to run the package in isolated environment (possibly because a different distribution of Linux is installed)
To install ROS2 on your Ubuntu machine, follow the steps from the official website and install the full version. After the installation, some configuration steps as described here are needed. For the completeness of the demo, the following commands are copy-paste from the official website and should be executed for the ROS2 installation:
To make sure that locale supports UTF-8, run the following commands:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install locales sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 sudo update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8Enable Ubuntu Universe repository:
sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository universeAdd GPG key:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg
Add repository to the sources:
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] $(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/nullUpdate apt cache:
sudo apt updateThis command is for updating the packages on your system and if the commands after it will work, we recommend skipping it:
sudo apt upgradeFinally, install ROS and compilers:
sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop sudo apt install ros-dev-toolsAfter the installation is complete, add the following line to the end of
file:source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
In order for ROS2 not to interfere with communication on other ports, we need to set Domain ID (detailed information is available here). In our case, we just used 1. To do so, add the following at the end of
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1
After this, restart all your terminals for the source command to be active. To verify the installation, open two terminals and run:
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker ros2 run demo_nodes_py listenerIf the nodes are communicating, the installation was successful.
Create a ROS2 workspace:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src cd ~/ros2_ws/srcClone the Synapticon package:
git clone cloning it, you need to set up the ethernet interface. To do so, first execute
and remember the interface name.After that, replace the
with your ethernet interface in/home/USER/ros2_ws/src/synapticon_ros2_control/src/torque_control_executable.cpp
. Alternatively, you can do it with commands:sed -i "s/eno0/YOUR_ETHERNET_INTERFACE/g" /home/USER/ros2_ws/src/synapticon_ros2_control/src/torque_control_executable.cpp sed -i "s/eno0/YOUR_ETHERNET_INTERFACE/g" /home/USER/ros2_ws/src/synapticon_ros2_control/description/ros2_control/single_dof.ros2_control.xacroInstall build tools:
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensionsBuild the package:
cd ~/ros2_ws rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src colcon buildAdditionally, you can source the workspace by adding the following line to the
file, but above the line where you sourced the ROS installation (above this line:source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
):source /home/USER/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
To check if the master could be run and if the slaves are found, in the container terminal execute:
./home/YOUR_USER/ros2_ws/install/synapticon_ros2_control/bin/torque_control_executableBefore running other scripts, stop this one by CTRL+C (or wait, it will shutdown automatically after a while).
For turning the motor in different modes, you will need 5 terminals and in all of them execute:
sudo -i source /home/application/.bashrc
- Terminal 1:
ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control
- Terminal 2:
ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control
- Terminal 3 - to show the running controllers
ros2 control list_controllers(Information does not automatically refresh - it can be refreshed each M seconds using
watch -n M ros2 control list_controllers
, but the output might be ugly)
- Running the motor with different controllers:
CSV (Cyclic Sync Velocity) mode:
Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_velocity_controller'], deactivate_controllers: []}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher:
ros2 topic pub /forward_velocity_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [100]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_velocity_controller']}"
- CSP (Cyclic Sync Position) mode:
Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_position_controller'], deactivate_controllers: [quick_stop_controller]}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher:
ros2 topic pub /forward_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [140]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_position_controller']}"
- CST (Cyclic Sync Torque) mode:
Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_torque_controller'], deactivate_controllers: [quick_stop_controller]}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher (value is in per mille of torque):
ros2 topic pub /forward_torque_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [100]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_torque_controller']}"
If you want to run the example without using
, you need to create:sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/ros2_control_node.serviceand use text editor to paste in that file the following:
[Unit] Description=Launch ros2_control_node with socket permissions [Service] Type=simple User=YOUR_USER ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash; source /home/YOUR_USER/.bashrc; source /home/YOUR_USER/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash' # Write the user environment to file, for debugging #ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'env > /home/YOUR_USER/Documents/ros_env_before_start.txt' # This is essentially a copy of my normal user env Environment="AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=/home/YOUR_USER/ros2_ws/install/synapticon_ros2_control:/opt/ros/humble" Environment="HOME=/home/YOUR_USER" Environment="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ros/humble/opt/rviz_ogre_vendor/lib:/opt/ros/humble/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/ros/humble/lib" Environment="PATH=/opt/ros/humble/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/home/your_user/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin" Environment="PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/humble/lib/python3.10/site-packages:/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages" Environment="ROS_DISTRO=humble" Environment="ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1" Environment="ROS_PYTHON_VERSION=3" Environment="ROS_VERSION=2" Environment="ROSCONSOLE_FORMAT=[${severity}] - ${node}: [${time}] ${message}" Environment="USER=YOUR_USER" Environment="USERNAME=YOUR_USER" ExecStart=/opt/ros/humble/bin/ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_RAW [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.targetAfter pasting, do not forget to replace YOUR_USER with your username and. Save the file, restart the daemon:
sudo systemctl daemon-reloadand start the service:
sudo systemctl restart ros2_control_node.serviceIf you want to check the service status and see the ROS console logging:
sudo systemctl status ros2_control_node.serviceNow, the example can be run by these two commands:
sudo systemctl restart ros2_control_node.service ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control single_dof.launch.pyChanging the controllers and publishing the desired position/velocity/torque can be now executed without sudo. To stop the
:sudo systemctl stop ros2_control_node.serviceFor users with different Linux distributions or those preferring isolation, Docker can be used. Installation steps can be found in the Docker Documentation. For the completeness of the documentation, we provide those steps here also:
Install Docker and add the user to the Docker group:
sudo apt update sudo apt install -y sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Copy the
script from theros2_humble_docker
to the same folder on your machine. With the following command, you will run the bash script that will automatically install the ROS2 and package into Docker image, detect the hardware and replace the ethernet adapter name in the necessary files. In case that the script does not detect your hardware properly, you will need to follow the instructions from its output to build Docker image. In the folder where you placed two aforementioned files run:bash ./synapticon_ros2_controller_build.shTo allow Docker containers to output the screen on your system (this is required for RViZ), execute this on the host system:
xhost +For the first execution of the program, we build container named
from the imageros2_humble_synapticon
that we generated by bash script from the Dockerfile using the following command (this command is executed only once):docker run -it -v /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --ipc=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --network=host --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --privileged --name ros2_container ros2_humble_synapticon
Now we have our container running. Each other time, we start container using:
docker start ros2_containerFor opening a new terminal in the running container, use:
docker exec -it ros2_container bash
and, once it opens, source ROS2 environment using
source /root/.bashrc
To check if the master could be run and if the slaves are found, in the container terminal execute:
./install/synapticon_ros2_control/bin/torque_control_executableBefore running other scripts, stop this one by CTRL+C (or wait, it will shutdown automatically after a while).
Connect Synapticon device configured with OBLAC Tools to your ethernet port as shown in Figure 1. For the demo, run 5 terminals in the container (
docker exec -it ros2_container bash
andsource /root/.bashrc
- Terminal 1
ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control
- Terminal 2 - this one will open RViZ (if it fails, you forgot to execute
xhost +
on your host machine). If you spin the motor by hand, you should see the movement in RViZ.ros2 launch synapticon_ros2_control
- Terminal 3 - to show the running controllers
ros2 control list_controllers(Information does not automatically refresh - it can be refreshed each M seconds using
watch -n M ros2 control list_controllers
, but the output might be ugly)
- Running the motor with different controllers: CSV (Cyclic Sync Velocity) mode: Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_velocity_controller'], deactivate_controllers: []}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher:
ros2 topic pub /forward_velocity_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [100]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_velocity_controller']}"
- CSP (Cyclic Sync Position) mode: Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_position_controller'], deactivate_controllers: [quick_stop_controller]}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher:
ros2 topic pub /forward_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [140]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_position_controller']}"
- CST (Cyclic Sync Torque) mode:
Terminal 4 to turn on the controller :
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['forward_torque_controller'], deactivate_controllers: [quick_stop_controller]}"
Terminal 5 to create a publisher (value is in per mille of torque):
ros2 topic pub /forward_torque_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray data:\ [100]
Stopping it: CTRL+C on Terminal 5 and in Terminal 4:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{activate_controllers: ['quick_stop_controller'], deactivate_controllers: ['forward_torque_controller']}"
This repository is an example of using SOMANET drives with ROS2 Humble. It does not guarantee compatibility with the latest ROS versions or SOMANET firmware. The included code is for demonstration purposes only. Synapticon GmbH refuses any responsibility for any problem or damage by the use of the example configuration and code!