This is a fork of JakubOnderka/PHP-Var-Dump-Check
PHP console application for find forgotten variable dump. Support PHP build in method
, var_dump
and var_export
method and also method from Tracy debugger, Ladybug,
Symfony, Laravel, Doctrine and Zend Framework.
Just create a composer.json
file and run the php composer.phar install
command to install it:
"require-dev": {
"systemhaus/php-var-dump-check": "~0.2"
For colored output install suggested package jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter
$ ./vendor/bin/var-dump-check --no-colors --tracy .
Checked 23 files in 0.1 second, dump found in 1 file
Forgotten dump 'var_dump' found in ./test.php:36
34| $functionsToCheck = $this->prepareFunctionCheck($this->settings->functionsToCheck);
> 36| var_dump($functionsToCheck);
38| foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
- none - check dump:
- check dump:ladybug_dump
- check dump:dump
- check dump:Zend_Debug::dump
- check dump:Doctrine::dump
- check dump:dump
- check dump:dd
- disable colors from output--exclude folder/
- exclude folder/ from check--extensions php,phpt,php7
- map file extensions for check
For run from command line:
$ ./vendor/bin/var-dump-check --symfony --exclude app --exclude vendor .
or setting for ANT:
<condition property="var-dump-check" value="${basedir}/bin/var-dump-check.bat" else="${basedir}/bin/var-dump-check">
<os family="windows"/>
<target name="var-dump-check" description="Run PHP VarDump check">
<exec executable="${var-dump-check}" failonerror="true">
<arg line='--exclude ${basedir}/app/' />
<arg line='--exclude ${basedir}/vendor/' />
<arg line='${basedir}' />