A minimal monorepo setup for building full-stack applications with Nuxt (frontend) and NestJS (backend) with pnpm as the package manager.
- Frontend: Nuxt 3 (compatible with Nuxt 4)
- Backend: NestJS
- Package Management: pnpm
- Linting & Formatting: Antfu's ESLint config with Stylistic rules for clean, opinionated code
- Tooling: Built-in linting, type-checking, testing, and pre-configured git hooks for streamlined development
pnpm install
Build all packages in stub mode:
pnpm dev:prepare
To start both the frontend (Nuxt) and backend (Nest) in development mode, use:
pnpm dev
To lint the entire codebase, run:
pnpm lint
To run TypeScript type checks across the monorepo, use:
pnpm typecheck
Unit tests:
pnpm test
End-to-end tests:
pnpm test:e2e