This application generates summaries based on the current trending hashtags on Twitter. Summaries will greatly help the user in understanding “why the topic is trending”. We have proposed an algorithm which automatically generates summaries for trending topics/hashtags based on tweets and it's related news article.
This project was done as part of an online hackathon at IIT Kanpur, and deployed over a website. The team comprised of first year students (names in alphabetical order, and no special preference):
- Ayush Gupta
- Tanmay Anand
- Umang Malik
1. pip install tweepy
2. pip install nltk
3. NodeJS
Collect currently trending
Crawls Twitter for the trends in
Removes twitter specific stop words from the
Pre-process the data./
Output: Summary will be generated for the trending topics/hashtags in predicted folder
For automating all this stuff, we have created shell files, which do this for you. You just need to run the files.
We plan to improve the algorithm and create a better structured summary in due course of time.