This is a super simple LoRaWAN AS (Application Server).
It support the following features:
- asyncio
- receives a POST message containing a JSON-like message from a network server.
- parses the application message and stores data into a database you specified.
- WebSocket to communicate with a user's application.
- Python 3 is required.
Python modules:
- dateutils
In the Linux distributions, you may install further modules.
For example, if you use MongoDB, you can install pymongo only. If you use whole database, you have to install everything. That's why it depends.
- MongoDB 4.x
If you use MongoDB, you need to install motor.
- PostgreSQL
psycopg2-binary, you should install this version instead of psycopg2.
- For uplink message, supporting HTTPS POST message with JSON format. See a sample of the message below.
- No support to show data. You need other tools like superset or grafana.
The following message handlers are embedded.
- Highgain Antenna: HGOK IoT SN13
- Globalsat: LT-100, LW-360HR, LT-501H
- Yokogawa: XS770A
- Greenhouse: MSNLRA, Water Level Sensor, 401D
- Netvox: R711, R718A, R718AB, R710A, and some PH sensors.
You can add your handler. Please refer to other parsers under the directory, parser.
- postgreql
- sqlite3
- MongodB
To get the python code, you can use git command like below.
% git clone --recursive
Then, you should change the directory.
% cd lorawan-ssas
You have to define your handler for each DevEUI.
The sensors close defines the mapping from a DevEUI to a handler. It must include at least one item.
The handlers close defines a set of parameters for each handler including parser and database type.
server_ip: specify the IP address of the HTTP server to be bound. server_port: specify the port number of the HTTP server to be bound. server_cert: (option) specify the filename including the server's certificate.
When you look at the content of config-simple.json, you can see BEEF0D0000000001 in the sensors close, which is a DevEUI. The close defines THRU as its handler.
That means, when the server receives the message in which the DevEUI is BEEF0D0000000001, the server passes the payload_hex into the handler named THRU.
When you look at the THRU in the handlers close, you see that no parser defines. It just submits the data from NS into the MongoDB.
Now, when you take a look into 1000000000000002, you can understand what it does.
Here is the general installation guide with MongoDB. See also install into Ubuntu 16.04 with PostgreSQL.
This is the main program.
usage: [-h] [-d] [-D] CONFIG_FILE
positional arguments:
CONFIG_FILE specify the config file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d enable debug mode.
-D enable to show messages onto stdout.
you can simply start it.
% python config.json
if you want to see debug messages, consider to use the -d options like below.
% python config.json -d
- /up
- /down
- /ws
% curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '@test-data.json' http://localhost:18886/up
If you define server_cert, the server requires HTTPS connection. Therefore, you have to specify https:// instead of http://. If you specify a self-signed certificate for your server, You may add the -k option. See below for this reference.
% curl -k -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '@test-data.json' https://localhost:18886/up
Here is an example message that lrwssas assumes to be sent from NS.
"DevEUI_uplink" : {
"DevEUI" : "BEEF0D0000000001",
"DevAddr" : "BEEF0001",
"Time" : "2017-03-24T06:53:32.502+01:00",
"payload_hex" : "0000000058d4b41b420ea943430bbb24021d000000000000",
"Lrrid" : "69606FD0",
"LrrLAT" : "35.665005",
"LrrRSSI" : "0.000000",
"LrrSNR" : "-20.000000",
"LrrLON" : "139.731293",
"FCntUp" : "7970",
"ADRbit" : "1",
"FCntDn" : "2",
"SpFact" : "12",
"MType" : "4",
"FPort" : "2",