- [New] add `--no-only` flag/`NODE_TAPE_NO_ONLY_TEST` (#572)
- [New] `t.match`/`t.doesNotMatch: fail the test instead of throw on wrong input types.
- [Fix] `bin/tape`: delay requires until needed
- [Robustness] use cached `.test`
- [readme] hard wraps bad, soft wraps good
- [readme] port changes from v5
- [meta] fix `prelint` so it does not fail outside of a git repo
- [meta] better `eccheck` command
- [meta] Exclude `fs` from browser bundles (#565)
- [actions] reuse common workflows
- [actions] update codecov uploader
- [Deps] update `object-inspect`, `resolve`, `glob`, `is-regex`, `string.prototype.trim`
- [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `safe-publish-latest`, `array.prototype.flatmap`
- [Tests] handle a broken error `cause` in node 16.9/16.10
- [Tests] handle carriage returns in stack traces on Windows