Changes since v5.0.0-next.0:
- [Breaking] fail any assertion after `.end()` is called (#489(
- [Breaking] tests with no callback are failed TODO tests (#69)
- [Breaking] equality functions: throw when < 2 arguments are provided
- [Breaking] add "exports" to restrict public API
- [Breaking] `throws`: bring into line with node’s `assert.throws`
- [Breaking] use default `require.extensions` collection instead of the magic Array `['.js']` (#396)
- [Fix] error stack file path can contain parens/spaces
- [Refactor] make everything strict mode
- [Refactor] Avoid setting message property on primitives; use strict mode to catch this (#490)
- [Refactor] generalize error message from calling `.end` more than once
- [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
- [Tests] improve some failure output by adding messages
- [Tests] handle stack trace variation in node <= 0.8
- [Tests] ensure bin/tape is linted
- [Tests] Fail a test if its callback returns a promise that rejects (#441)
- [eslint] fix remaining undeclared variables (#488)
- [eslint] Fix leaking variable in tests
- [eslint] fix object key spacing
Changes since v4.12.1:
- [Breaking] `error` should not emit `expected`/`actual` diags (#455)
- [Breaking] support passing in an async function for the test callback (#472)
- [Breaking] update `deep-equal` to v2
- [Deps] update `resolve`
- [meta] change dep semver prefix from ~ to ^