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Vector codec benchmarks

Tarang Jain edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 1 revision

We compare the vector codecs on a few datasets that hopefully are representative of real use cases.

For all cases, the procedure is the same: we instantiate the codec with an index_factory. Then we train it on 1M representative vectors. Then we evaluate:

  • the reconstruction error on an independent set of 1M vectors. The reconstruction is the average L2 error (non squared) after encoding and decoding back. Note that some codecs do not support reconstruction (ITQ) in a meaningful way.
  • the symmetric similarity search accuracy (as 1-nearest-neighbor recall at rank 1). We use 10k vectors, that we encode/decode and search the nearest neighbors in the 1M previous vectors (that are also encoded/decoded). This reflects how much the codec destroyed the discriminative ability of vectors. For binary codecs, we use the Hamming distance to evaluate this.
  • the asymmetric similarity search accuracy. This is the same as above, except that the queries are not encoded. This reflects a use case where query vectors that are immediately available are compared against encoded vectors from a database.

We report these measures in tables, sorted by increasing code size. We also show plots of the symmetric search accuracy. The codecs we tested were chosen from a reasonable set of baselines. It is possible that a bit more of fine-tuning can increase their performance.

These experiments have not been updated to include additive quantization options, which currently offer the best accuracy vs. memory usage tradeoffs. Please refer to the additive quantizers wiki for results on these.


This is a very classical academic dataset of 1M SIFT vectors in 128D. The vectors come encoded as bytes, so it does not make sense to use more than 128 bytes to encode it.

The table below reports the most interesting operating points:

factory key code size codec size recons error sym recall @ 1 asym recall @ 1 decode time
ITQ64,LSH 8 48.7 k - 0.051 - -
OPQ8_48,PQ8 8 72.2 k 308.2 0.141 0.220 0.23
PCAR24,ZnLattice1x54_6 8 77.3 k 364 0.101 0.145 0.20
OPQ8_48,PQ8x10 10 216 k 301.5 0.215 0.302 0.25
OPQ8_48,PQ8x12 12 792 k 297.1 0.282 0.353 0.27
Pad128,ITQ128,LSH 16 129 k - 0.129 - -
OPQ16_64,PQ16 16 96.2 k 138.8 0.307 0.412 0.23
OPQ16_64,PQ16x10 20 288 k 125.9 0.428 0.504 0.28
OPQ16_64,PQ16x12 24 1.03 M 118.7 0.523 0.567 0.34
Pad256,ITQ256,LSH 32 514 k - 0.223 - -
PCAR64,SQ4 32 97.9 k 121.2 0.481 0.540 0.22
PCAR96,ZnLattice4x54_6 32 114 k 98.18 0.468 0.572 0.60
OPQ32_128,IVF16384,PQ32 34 8.19 M 61.86 0.612 0.666 0.14
OPQ32_128,PQ32x10 40 576 k 56.2 0.649 0.718 0.57
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x10 44 8.56 M 45.34 0.727 0.764 0.11
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x12 52 10.1 M 36.2 0.789 0.809 0.11
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x14 60 16.1 M 29.55 0.835 0.850 0.14
SQ4 64 1105 42.19 0.740 0.780 0.03
OPQ64_256,PQ64x10 80 1.13 M 17.32 0.878 0.896 1.04
SQ6 96 1105 9.904 0.928 0.942 0.06
OPQ64_256,PQ64x12 96 4.13 M 10.12 0.922 0.933 1.25
PCAR128,SQ8 128 131 k 3.201 0.968 0.977 0.38
SQ8 128 1105 2.468 0.976 0.979 0.04
SQfp16 256 81 0 0.992 0.992 0.03

nan means that the operation does not make sense (ITQ cannot reconstruct). The decode time is indicated as seconds to decode 1M vectors on a full machine (48 threads).

We can make the following observations:

  • ITQ64,LSH is a very calssical binary hash. For all operating points, it is outperformed by the product quantizer variants and even the scalar quantizer.
  • PQ variants give very good similarity search results. However, note that the pre-processing (OPQx) requires to store a rotation matrix in the codec, which can make it large.
  • for a given PQ size (eg. PQ16) increasing the number of bits per quantizer (beyond the default 8) is a good way to scale up the accuracy for a modest increase of code size
  • residual codecs improve a bit over the PQ, but they are a lot slower to encode, and they require even more training data
  • SQ8 does not give 100% accuracy as it should because of quantization artifacts.
  • OPQ and PCA matrices for this large datasets are bulky to store in the codec. Note that PCA matrices (but not OPQ) are stored twice, because the raw eigenvalues are kept. Hence, for a PCA with input dimension d, it is possible to subtract d*d*4 bytes from the codec size.
  • the lattice quantizer is better than ITQ but not as good as the scalar quantizer. This may be because the parameters were not optimized for such short vectors


This is a dataset of 2048-dim vectors produced by the average pooling layer of a resnet50. The vectors come from the repository low-shot-with-diffusion.

factory key code size codec size recons error sym recall @ 1 asym recall @ 1 encode time decode time
ITQ64,LSH 8 536 k - 0.028 - 42.41 -
OPQ8_48,PQ8 8 432 k 11.14 0.049 0.086 18.95 1.91
PCAR24,ZnLattice1x54_6 8 16.2 M 12.67 0.045 0.060 18.93 1.21
OPQ8_48,PQ8x10 10 576 k 10.89 0.082 0.129 23.43 1.95
OPQ24_96,PQ12 12 864 k 10.29 0.071 0.129 14.53 0.94
OPQ8_48,PQ8x12 12 1.13 M 10.8 0.124 0.171 40.86 0.79
Pad128,ITQ128,LSH 16 1.07 M - 0.069 - 41.59 -
RR128,LSHt 16 1 M - 0.056 - 18.27 -
OPQ16_64,PQ16 16 576 k 10.14 0.161 0.214 13.93 0.89
OPQ16_64,PQ16x10 20 768 k 9.904 0.235 0.278 15.74 0.86
OPQ16_64,PQ16x12 24 1.5 M 9.779 0.284 0.316 21.72 0.92
OPQ16_64,PQ16x14 28 4.5 M 9.717 0.318 0.342 45.72 0.92
Pad256,ITQ256,LSH 32 2.26 M - 0.125 - 43.74 -
PCAR96,ZnLattice4x54_6 32 16.8 M 8.84 0.361 0.408 22.24 1.20
PCAR64,SQ4 32 16.5 M 9.96 0.255 0.291 14.65 0.84
OPQ32_128,IVF16384,PQ32 34 9.13 M 7.783 0.419 0.486 23.32 0.86
OPQ32_128,PQ32x10 40 1.5 M 7.773 0.440 0.496 29.70 1.37
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x10 44 9.5 M 7.571 0.527 0.569 46.01 1.00
OPQ32_128,PQ32x12 48 3 M 7.566 0.516 0.554 32.23 1.22
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x12 52 11 M 7.472 0.582 0.609 57.47 0.91
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x14 60 17 M 7.415 0.603 0.615 95.27 0.71
OPQ64_256,PQ64 64 2.25 M 5.801 0.540 0.609 17.50 1.47
PCAR128,SQ4 64 17 M 7.763 0.457 0.515 14.18 1.03
OPQ64_256,PQ64x10 80 3 M 5.367 0.630 0.691 28.46 1.87
OPQ64_256,PQ64x12 96 6 M 5.134 0.716 0.756 47.76 1.93
OPQ128_512,PQ128 128 4.5 M 4.159 0.713 0.752 19.18 4.18
PCAR128,SQ8 128 17 M 7.404 0.642 0.647 15.39 1.03
PCAR384,ZnLattice16x54_6 128 19 M 4.688 0.679 0.737 19.05 2.75
OPQ128_512,PQ128x10 160 6 M 3.769 0.781 0.811 29.75 3.30
OPQ128_512,PQ128x12 192 12 M 3.564 0.829 0.851 76.59 4.11
OPQ128_512,PQ128x14 224 36 M 3.428 0.854 0.873 309.20 9.02
PCAR256,SQ8 256 18 M 4.861 0.846 0.850 38.03 1.40
PCAR1024,Residual2x14,PQ256 260 89 M 3.6 0.709 0.769 60.21 4.64
PCAR1024,Residual2x14,PQ256x12 388 104 M 2.529 0.863 0.890 181.39 4.76
PCAR512,SQ8 512 20 M 3.233 0.919 0.921 18.14 4.00
PCAR1024,PQ512x12 768 40 M 2.01 0.953 0.955 192.48 13.30
SQ4 1024 16.1 k 3.534 0.725 0.760 50.48 0.57
SQ8 2048 16.1 k 0.2162 0.980 0.982 16.80 0.58
SQfp16 4096 81 0.004493 0.994 0.994 15.67 0.53


  • ITQ is again largely outperformed
  • in high dimensions, the PQ codecs are easily > 100MB just to store the codec itself. The encoding time can also be prohibitive.
  • in high dimensions, the scalar quantizer options are interesting, especially because they do not need large codecs
  • the residual codecs are a bit better than the scalar ones
  • the lattice quantizer is competitive with OPQ variants for low bit rates (up to 32). It is much cheaper to train but a lot more expensive to code and decode.

reconstruction error plot

For comparison, here is the reconstruction error plot. The recall measures and reconstruction are heavily correlated: the lower the reconstruction error, the better the retrieval performance.

Sentence embeddings

This is a dataset with 1024-dim German sentences from the LASER toolkit.

factory key code size codec size recons error sym recall @ 1 asym recall @ 1 encode time decode time
ITQ64,LSH 8 276 k - 0.025 - 43.36 -
OPQ8_48,PQ8 8 240 k 0.04436 0.034 0.062 9.93 1.82
PCAR24,ZnLattice1x54_6 8 4.1 M 0.04515 0.030 0.038 9.56 1.75
OPQ8_48,PQ8x10 10 384 k 0.04405 0.052 0.080 13.59 0.47
OPQ24_96,PQ12 12 480 k 0.04337 0.054 0.101 7.58 0.63
OPQ8_48,PQ8x12 12 960 k 0.04384 0.070 0.090 33.32 0.47
Pad128,ITQ128,LSH 16 580 k - 0.063 - 32.96 -
OPQ16_64,PQ16 16 320 k 0.04318 0.098 0.127 13.10 0.52
OPQ16_64,PQ16x10 20 512 k 0.04292 0.126 0.143 10.93 0.65
OPQ16_64,PQ16x12 24 1.25 M 0.04278 0.141 0.157 15.56 0.66
OPQ24_96,PQ24 24 480 k 0.04203 0.155 0.202 40.63 0.59
OPQ16_64,PQ16x14 28 4.25 M 0.0427 0.151 0.160 102.27 0.59
Pad256,ITQ256,LSH 32 1.25 M - 0.121 - 33.70 -
OPQ32_128,PQ32 32 640 k 0.04111 0.206 0.255 18.77 0.83
PCAR64,SQ4 32 4.26 M 0.04323 0.090 0.116 16.19 0.51
PCAR96,ZnLattice4x54_6 32 4.38 M 0.04168 0.201 0.222 8.69 0.81
OPQ32_128,IVF16384,PQ32 34 8.63 M 0.04079 0.242 0.275 82.16 0.42
OPQ32_128,PQ32x10 40 1 M 0.04071 0.258 0.288 22.44 0.79
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x10 44 9 M 0.04055 0.289 0.305 34.87 0.41
OPQ32_128,PQ32x12 48 2.5 M 0.04052 0.292 0.307 91.29 0.89
OPQ32_128,Residual2x14,PQ32x14 60 16.5 M 0.04038 0.315 0.322 94.09 0.41
OPQ64_256,PQ64 64 1.25 M 0.03845 0.363 0.421 12.66 1.44
PCAR128,SQ4 64 4.51 M 0.04125 0.189 0.230 13.19 0.71
PCAR64,SQ8 64 4.26 M 0.0426 0.166 0.165 17.95 0.54
OPQ64_256,PQ64x10 80 2 M 0.03791 0.435 0.469 111.14 1.75
OPQ64_256,PQ64x12 96 5 M 0.03767 0.473 0.498 213.54 1.64
OPQ128_512,PQ128 128 2.5 M 0.0355 0.534 0.599 16.70 3.06
PCAR384,ZnLattice16x54_6 128 5.51 M 0.03623 0.554 0.596 10.71 1.80
OPQ128_512,PQ128x10 160 4 M 0.03497 0.630 0.668 25.14 3.18
OPQ128_512,PQ128x12 192 10 M 0.03467 0.680 0.713 68.92 3.09
OPQ128_512,PQ128x14 224 34 M 0.03452 0.711 0.729 338.22 7.07
PCAR1024,PQ256 256 9.01 M 0.01069 0.646 0.700 122.88 7.62
PCAR256,SQ8 256 5.01 M 0.03747 0.528 0.528 10.69 1.08
PCAR768,ZnLattice32x54_6 256 7.01 M 0.03314 0.724 0.780 12.76 3.42
PCAR1024,Residual2x14,PQ256x12 388 88 M 0.004612 0.839 0.867 208.75 3.67
PCAR1024,PQ512 512 9.01 M 0.003313 0.881 0.901 33.06 8.53
PCAR512,SQ8 512 6.01 M 0.03431 0.768 0.768 11.32 2.00
PCAR1024,PQ512x12 768 24 M 0.001003 0.965 0.970 227.62 13.56
SQ6 768 8273 0.003924 0.843 0.872 22.25 0.47
SQ8 1024 8273 0.0009623 0.955 0.965 18.18 0.27
SQfp16 2048 81 1.041e-05 0.999 0.999 37.52 0.28


  • Although the dataset is lower-dimensional than the resnet50 embeddings, the raw retrieval performance is lower, so it is also more difficult to index.
  • Encoding times can be quite prohibitive for residual codecs.
  • the lattice quantizer is very competitive in this setting. It obtains competitive accuracies with the PQ variants.

The evaluation code is in with driver script run_on_cluster.bash.

The plots were produced with this notebook

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