msgpack5 package. See the specification for details.
npm install --save msgpack5rpc
This package exports a single class which represents a msgpack-rpc session. A Session instance can attached to any pair of write/read streams, and can send and receive requests and notifications, so it can be used for both client and servers. Example:
var Session = require('msgpack5rpc');
var session = new Session();
session.attach(process.stdout, process.stdin);
session.on('request', function(method, args, resp) {
console.log('received request');
session.request('remote-method', ['arg1', 'arg2'], function(err, res) {
console.log('received response');
session.on('notification', function(method, args) {
console.log('received notification');
session.notify('remote-event', ['arg1', 'arg2']);
See the "examples" subdirectory for a complete client/server implementation.