PawGuesser is a full-stack application that is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge of Clemson University while exploring the campus in a unique way. Inspired by the popular game "GeoGuessr," our project is designed to not only entertain but also educate.
- Explore Clemson main campus virtually through a series of images.
- Your challenge: guess the location of the college landmark featured in each image.
- Use your knowledge of the campus and surroundings to make your best guess.
- Earn points based on how close your guess is to the actual location.
- Language: Typescript
- Library: React.js
- Framework: Next.js
- Maps Library: Leaflet
- CSS Framework: Tailwind
- Linter: esLint
Create Supabase account
Create a project and make a copy of supabase url and anon access key.
Inside the project, create a table named
in thepublic
database. -
Navigate to Authentication tab.
Select Policies
Add two New Policy within the 'games' table with
Policy from scratch
. Policy configurations:- First Policy :
policy name: Public insert allowed operation: insert target roles: DEFAULT using expression: true
- Second Policy :
policy name: Public select allowed operation: select target roles: DEFAULT using expression: true
Fork this repository. This will create a copy of the repo in your Github account.
Clone the repo using the command
git clone
Navigate to the directory
cd S2308-CPSC-8710-001-90595
Create a project in Vercel
You can just use Next.js template while creating project.
Select the repository your just cloned and setup the project.
Once the setup is complete, update the environment variables in Vercel:
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL=yoursupabaseurlyoucopiedearlier
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=yoursupabaseanonkeyyoucopiedearlier
Once updated, re-deploy your next.js application and your app should be live and should be accessible with vercel's assigneed url
A group of enthusiastic developers worked together to create this project, which aims to create an browser-based geography game. Introducing the project's developers:
- Ananta Bastola
- Bharath Chittamuru
- Tarun Prathipati
Creating PawGuesser was a rewarding journey marked by learning and collaboration. Our team navigated challenges and celebrated successes while building this innovative game.
Challenges: Defining the game concept was our first hurdle, but once established, technical challenges emerged. Integrating maps and connecting the frontend to the backend demanded careful coding. Estimating task durations and balancing functionality with design posed difficulties. Despite these challenges, our structured approach to project management and our agile mindset played a crucial role in our success. We assigned tasks based on team members' strengths, which allowed us to work efficiently. Open and constant communication was another key factor that contributed to our achievements. It ensured that everyone was on the same page and could address any issues promptly. We also made use of collaboration tools like Git and GitHub, which made it easy for us to work together without any hiccups.
Successes: Our structured approach to project management, combined with an agile mindset, proved invaluable. Assigning tasks based on strengths and maintaining open communication were key to our success. Collaboration tools like Git and GitHub facilitated seamless teamwork. Our tech stack, including TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Leaflet, Tailwind CSS, and Supabase, empowered our development process.
Lessons Learned: Flexibility and effective communication were crucial lessons. Adapting to changes and embracing challenges enhanced our problem-solving skills. Thorough testing and innovative solutions ensured the reliability of our application. PawGuesser not only showcased our technical proficiency but also our ability to overcome obstacles as a team. One of the most significant lessons we learned during this journey was the importance of flexibility and effective communication. We had to adapt to changes and embrace challenges as they arose. This flexibility enhanced our problem-solving skills and allowed us to find innovative solutions to the issues we encountered. It was through this flexibility that we were able to ensure the reliability of our application. Thorough testing and creative problem-solving were vital in making PawGuesser a stable and enjoyable game.
Conclusion: PawGuesser stands as a testament to our growth in the technology landscape. Through teamwork, adaptability, and a robust tech stack, we transformed challenges into opportunities. This project not only resulted in a fun and educational game but also strengthened our collaborative spirit and technical expertise.