This repository is the part of the open source NotifyOne project.
provides core implementation in the NotifyOne project.
sits at the heart of the NotifyOne project and implements the core components of the notification system.
Core components -
creation and editing (it's the main backend service for the NotifyOne CMS)- Template rendering
- Triggering notifications using the handlers
- Notifications logging and status updates
- Python - version 3.9.10
- Database - Postgres (version >= 12.x)
- Framework - torpedo [ A lightweight wrapper around the open source Sanic framework ]
- ORM - Open source Tortoise ORM
- Redis - for caching various data inorder to operate efficiently
- AWS SQS - for asynchronous processing of the notifications and status updates
- AWS S3 - for storing the actual content sent to the recipients (email content, sms content etc.)
- Sanic OpenApi - for automatic OAS3 documentation of the APIs & out of the box Swagger UI
For the list of all available keys, checkout the Config Template file.
Config Template provides a template (actual keys, dummy values) for the actual config file.
The actual config.json file must be generated by the service owner with the real values.
config.NAME : Name of the service
config.HOST : Host name for interface binding. Default value -
config.PORT : Port for the service
config.WORKER : Number of Sanic works. Default is 1
config.DEBUG : Available values [true/false]. If set to true, the service runs in DEBUG mode
config.TIMEOUT : Default timeout for all the http APIs exposed
config.SENTRY : Sentry configuraition details. Leave it empty if sentry integration is not needed
config.APM : APM configurtion. Leave it empty if APM integration is not needed
cofig.DB_CONNECTIONS : Holds the Postgres database connection and model details.
Check for config_template.json file for all the keys available.
Only the below values must be provided in the config.josn file (rest of the values should be kept same) -
> config.DB_CONNECTIONS.connections.default.credentials.database
> config.DB_CONNECTIONS.connections.default.credentials.port
> config.DB_CONNECTIONS.connections.default.credentials.user
> config.DB_CONNECTIONS.connections.default.credentials.password
config.REDIS_CACHE_HOSTS : Redis host and port details
config.NOTIFICATION_REQUEST : Details about the notification requests subscription.
SQS credentials and Queue details to subscribe the notification requests publised from the gateway.
> config.NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.SQS : SQS credentials.
> config.NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.SUBSCRIBE_TO : queues details for different priorites
config.DISPATCH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST : Dispatchers details. Dispatcher queues and http host for different channels.
> config.DISPATCH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.EMAIL : email queue and handler host
> config.DISPATCH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.SMS : sms queue and handler host
> config.DISPATCH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.PUSH : push queue and handler host
> config.DISPATCH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST.WHATSAPP : whatsapp queue and handler host
config.SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATION_STATUS_UPDATES : Queue details to subscribe status updates from the handlers
> SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATION_STATUS_UPDATES.SUBSCRIBE_DELAY_SECONDS: Delay in seconds before the subscribers are started after the service start
config.CONTENT_LOG : AWS S3 details. This is used to log the actual notification content sent
config.TEST_ENVIRONMENT : Set to `true` for non production environments (default is `false`).
If set to `true`, config.TEST_ALLOWED_EMAILS and config.TEST_ALLOWED_MOBILES can be used to rescrict the notification to only the allowed recipients.
config.TEST_ALLOWED_EMAILS : List of email ID whitelisted on test environments (config.TEST_ENVIRONMENT = true)
config.TEST_ALLOWED_MOBILES : List of mobile numbers whitelisted on test environments (config.TEST_ENVIRONMENT = true)
config.PROVIDERS.ENCRYPTION : Contains config.PROVIDERS.ENCRYPTION.KEY and config.PROVIDERS.ENCRYPTION.AES_IV for AES encryption used to encrypt Providers configuration details
1. git clone
2. cd notifyone-core
3. touch config.json
4. Generate actual keys and values for config.json file. Refer to config_template.json for keys.
5. pip isntall pipenv (if not alread installed)
6. python3 -m pipenv shell
7. python3 -m pipenv install
8. python3 upgrade
8. python3 -m app.service
1. git clone
2. cd notifyone-core
3. touch config.json
4. Generate actual keys and values for config.json file. Refer to config_template.json for keys.
5. docker build . --tag notifyone-core --build-arg SERVICE_NAME=notifyone_core
6. docker run -p <service-port>:<service-port> --detach --name notifyone-core notifyone-core
# (Step 7 & 8) Run DB migrations. Exec into the notifyone-core container and run the command
7. docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep notifyone-core | awk '{print $1}') /bin/bash
8. python3 upgrade
9. Exit the continer
We have wrapped the open source aerich
tool to manage DB migrations for this project.
You can use the script to do the migrations related stuff.
Please see the help section by running - python3 ---help
An important and mandatory step after setting up the service and before start sending the notifications is to register an app and create and events in the system. Please follow below steps to create and test your first event -
Create an App - As events in the system are linked to apps, we need to create an app first. An app can be created using the "Create App" API. Please refer to the API documentation for more details
- Sample curl request
curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "name": "test_app", "info": { "email": { "sender_name": "Tata 1mg", "sender_address": "[email protected]", "reply_to": "[email protected]" } } }'
Create an Event - create an event
- Sample curl
curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "event_name": "test_event", "app_name": "test_app", "email": { "description": "This is test event", "subject": "Regarding your Order {{body.order_id}}", "content": "Your order {{body.order_id}} has been processed" }, "sms": { "content": "Your order {{body.order_id}} has been processed" }, "push": { "title": "Order update", "body": "Order {{body.order_id}} has been delivered" }, "whatsapp": { "name": "order_delivered" }, "priority": "high", "event_type": "transactional", "user_email": "[email protected]" }'
Trigger Notifications - After you created an event, you can use notifyone-gateway's send-notification API to start triggering the notifications.
We have used sanic_openapi to automatically generate the OAS3 specification API documents for the APIs exposed in this service.
Once you are done with the service setup, the API documentation can be accessed at - {{service-host}}:{{service-port}}/swagger
Example - If you started your service at port number 9401, the documentation can be accessed at - localhost:9401/swagger
If you wish to have a look at the API documentation without deploying the service, you can use an independent swagger UI to view the documentation by pointing the swagger UI to the api_doc.json file.
Or, import the api_doc.json file into Postman as OAS3 API collection.
Please refer to our Contribution Guidlines before for more details.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.