In this repository you can find the code to build the pp reference of the B meson measurements in pp collisions at 5.02 TeV starting from the FONLL calculations.
The input files .dat were produced using using the following parameters for the calculations:
Collider: LHC(pp, 5.5), Heavy quark: botton ,PDFs: CTEQ6.6
Perturbative order: FONLL, Final state: B hadron, Further decay: -
Cross section type: dsigma/dpt (or dsigma/dy) uncertainty range from scales and masses
Include PDFs uncertainties: (missing for the moment)
The file fo_pp_Bmeson5_5TeV.dat was produced with the kinematic ranges:
pt min = 2 GeV pt max = 200 GeV y min= -2.4 y max= 2.4 Use y:check npoints=793