One-line access to other operating systems.
mymacbook:~/2015-02-01-myproject> abyss-pe
zsh: command not found: abyss-pe
mymacbook:~/2015-02-01-myproject> oswitch -l
mymacbook:~/2015-02-01-myproject> oswitch biolinux
###### You are now running: biolinux in container biolinux-7187. ######
biolinux-7187:~/2015-02-01-myproject> abyss-pe k=25 reads.fastq.gz
[... just works on your files where they are...]
biolinux-7187:~/2015-02-01-myproject> exit
[... output is where you expect it to be ...]
Detailed information:
Genomic analyses require jumping back and forth between many bioinformatics tools. The data types are young, thus so are the tools. This leads to frequent updates of tools that are often challenging to install. Furthermore, it is challenging to keep different versions of software for different projects, yet changing versions can make analyses difficult to reproduce. To make matters worse, genomicists often lack the skills necessary to setup complex bioinformatics software, and systems administrators can be overwhelmed by large numbers of software installation requests.
We are developing oswitch
to enable seamless switching
from one operating system to another - providing access to diverse
ranges of tools. This project grew from our own need to rapidly access
diverse pieces of specific versions of software including those distributed as part of
BioLinux on our MacBooks
and our university HPC system. This was previously too difficult, but is
important for reproducible research and agility.
@bmpvieira made it clear early on that the docker could
help make something happen. We first shared the resulting concept during a
Balti & Bioinformatics
presentation in the form of this (now out of date!) slide:
Docker images feel similar to using virtual machine images - but are much more flexible and light-weight. They are thus easily shared or published. We are extremely lucky to be able to build upon this amazing technology.
is a wrapper facilitating access to docker images. Importantly, when switching
operating systems inside a shell, most things remain unchanged:
- Current working directory is maintained
- User name, uid and gid are maintained
- Login shell (bash/zsh/fish) is maintained
- Home directory is maintained (thus all .dotfiles and config files are maintained).
- read/write permissions are maintained
- Paths are maintained whenever possible. Thus volumes (external drives, NAS, USB) mounted on the host are available in the container at the same path.
There are two broad usage scenarios: interactive use & non-interactive use.
Minimalist example:
Yannick@n56-169 ~/myproject> uname -a
Darwin 14.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Yannick@n56-169 ~/myproject> oswitch yeban/biolinux
### You are now running: biolinux_8, in container: biolinux_8-27182. ###
Yannick@biolinux_8-27182 ~/myproject> uname -a
Linux biolinux_8-27182 3.16.4-tinycore64 #1 SMP Thu Oct 23 16:14:24 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Biologically relevant example:
# Trying to run blast.
pixel:~/test/ $ ls
pixel:~/test/ $ cat mygene.fa
>myfavoritegene isthisone
pixel:~/test/ $ blastp -query mygene.fa -remote -db nr -outfmt 7 >
zsh: command not found: blastp
# Indeed... blastp is missing from my MacBook.
# Switch to BioLinux and run blastp.
pixel:~/test/ $ oswitch yeban/biolinux
###### You are now running: biolinux in container biolinux-7187. ######
biolinux-7187:~/test/ $ blastp -query mygene.fa -remote -db nr -outfmt 7 >
# BioLinux includes blastp, thus the command ran smoothly.
# View the result.
biolinux-7187:~/test/ $ head
# BLASTP 2.2.28+
# Query: myfavoritegene isthisone
# Database: nr
# Fields: query id, subject id, % identity, alignment length, mismatches, gap opens, q. start, q. end, s. start, s. end, evalue, bit score
# 501 hits found
myfavoritegene gi|322796550|gb|EFZ19024.1| 100.00 199 0 0 1 199 1 199 2e-142 407
myfavoritegene gi|307183032|gb|EFN69988.1| 86.07 201 25 2 1 199 80 279 6e-115 361
myfavoritegene gi|572260155|ref|XP_006608402.1| 80.60 201 36 2 1 199 95 294 4e-108 350
myfavoritegene gi|328778864|ref|XP_397465.4| 80.60 201 36 2 1 199 95 294 5e-108 350
# [... potentially run other analyses that require biolinux things...]
# Return to normal operating system
biolinux-7187:~/test/ $ exit
pixel:~/test/ $ ls
mygene.fasta mygene_blastp_nr.txt
# our newly generated file is where we'd expect it to be.
Alternatively, single commands can be run directly in a container (e.g. BioLinux) without entering it interactively. This can be useful to test new tools, or to run a single piece of not-locally-installed software as part of a single command. The container terminates automatically once the command has been executed, output is printed to the terminal and can be redirected, and the exit status of the command run within container is returned.
# Run command directly in BioLinux and view results if success.
pixel:~/test/ $ oswitch yeban/biolinux blastp -remote -query mygene.fa -db nr > mygene_blastp_nr.txt
OSwitch can pull any image from docker hub. You can see the images you pulled from docker hub using oswitch as:
pixel:~ $ oswitch -l
We have tested OSwitch on:
- Mac OS X Yosemite
- Ubuntu 14.04.1
- CentOS 7
- Some features work only for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS based docker images.
- Host directories/volumes with paths conflicting with container paths are skipped.
- SELinux must be disabled on CentOS for mounting volumes to work.
- Volume mounting on Mac OS hosts is imperfect.
OSwitch first requires a [working docker install](#Install and setup docker).
$ brew install
Requirements: Ruby 2.0 or higher.
$ gem install oswitch
$ oswitch ubuntu:14.04
Installing docker is much easier than before -
Installing docker -
Add yourself to docker group so you can run docker client without sudo:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`
# then logout and login again for the above command to take effect
Installing docker -
Add yourself to docker group so you can run docker client without sudo:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`
# then logout and login again for the above command to take effect
Disable SELinux as it gets in the way of mounting volumes within the container:
$ sed -i .bak 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config
# then reboot your system
The above command backs up the original file to /etc/selinux/config.bak
. If
you are concerned about disabling SELinux, do note that we are trying to work
out a better solution.
The following should give an encouraging message:
$ docker run hello-world
The problem is, on Mac boot2docker
is the real host, not OS X. oswitch
can mount only what's available to it from boot2docker
. For example,
Run boot2docker ssh ls /Applications
and you will find it empty as well.
The workaround is to correctly mount the directories you want in boot2docker
boot2docker down
VBoxManage sharedfolder remove boot2docker-vm --name Applications
VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm --name Applications --hostpath /Applications
boot2docker up
boot2docker ssh "sudo mkdir -p /Applications && sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 Applications /Applications"
This means the said directory was not mounted by oswitch, or was incorrectly
mounted. On Linux host, directories that can conflict with paths within
container are not mounted. On Mac, boot2docker
can get in the way.
Please report this on our issue tracker. To help us debug, please include:
- the directory in question
- the operating system you are running
Please report this on our issue tracker with oswitch's output. If the image you are using is not available via docker hub or another public repository, please include the Dockerfile as well.
We create a new image on the fly that inherits from the given image. While creating the new image we execute a shell script that installs packages required for oswitch to work and creates a user in the image (almost) identical to that on the host.
make it possible to use docker containers without inheriting our current baseimagegem distribution for easier installationbrew recipe for Macdeb package- test on QMUL's compute cluster
- make available images for common bioinformatics software
- deploy at RAL/JASMIN
- create an SELinux policy to run oswitch on CentOS without having to disable SELinux entirely
- rpm package
$ git clone
$ cd oswitch
$ gem install bundler && bundle
$ bundle exec bin/oswitch biolinux
- Anurag Priyam - [email protected] | @yeban
- Bruno Vieira (@bmpvieira)
- Saurabh Kumar
- Richard Nichols - | @qmwugbt112
- Yannick Wurm - | @yannick__
Development funded as part of
NERC Environmental Omics (EOS) Cloud at
Wurm Lab,
Queen Mary University of London.