Python package, C++ source and build files for parametric plasma source for use in fusion neutron transport calculations with OpenMC.
The plasma source is based on a paper by C. Fausser et al
pip install parametric_plasma_source
The parametric plasma source can be imported an used in Python 3 in the following manner.
from parametric_plasma_source import Plasma
my_plasma = Plasma(major_radius=6,
elongation = 2.0
triangularity = 0.55)
In the above example the major_radius, minor_radius, elongation and triangularity while the other varibles are kept as the default values.
There are a number of additional arguments that can be passed to the Plasma class on construction. Units are in SI (e.g. meters not cm)
ion_density_pedistal = 1.09e+20
ion_density_seperatrix = 3e+19
ion_density_origin = 1.09e+20
ion_temperature_pedistal = 6.09
ion_temperature_seperatrix = 0.1
ion_temperature_origin = 45.9
pedistal_radius = 0.8
ion_density_peaking_factor = 1
ion_temperature_peaking_factor = 8.06
minor_radius = 1.56
major_radius = 2.5
elongation = 2.0
triangularity = 0.55
shafranov_shift = 0.0
number_of_bins = 100
plasma_type = 1
For a better understanding of the varibles take a look at the C. Fausser et al paper.