AutoLib is a Pros C++ Library based off of OkapiLib for Advanced Vex Autonomous Programming
AutoLib is a Pros C++ Library for Advanced Vex Autonomous Programming
Note: AutoLib v1.0.0 is coming out soon! And we would love your contributions! Click to contact us.
- PathGenerator: A simplified easy class for generating a path
- PurePursuit: A robust path following algorithm for controlling your robot's chassis
- Versatile: You can use your own custom library or you can use OkapiLib to handle the motor control and odometry
- Documentation: Great Documentation for Expert to Newbie Vex Team Programmers
- Open Source: You can and should contribute to this project
Head over to the documentation website:
Note: The docs are currently in progress, so if you can't find something please contact us!
AutoLib isn't perfect; and it never will be, but we can get it pretty close. However, without your contributions and community involvment it may never get to it's full potential. So help make AutoLib by submitting a PR.
Contributions are accepted using GitHub pull requests; for more information, see GitHub documentation - Creating a pull request. In addition, dealing with git branches and forks can be tricky if you don't already know how to use them; see Editing and Creating a new branch with git and manage branches
For a good pull request, we ask you provide the following:
- Include a clear description of your pull request in the description with the basic "what" and "why"s for the request.
- If the pull request is a new feature, please include appropriate documentation in the wiki.
- Keep a consistent coding style.
We suggest that you use a robot similair to the one described in the 5225A Pilons Position Tracking Document, however we support basically any configuration of a Skid Steer or X Drive.
Note: Before you begin to use AutoLib we suggest that you read up on the algorithms that we use.
To contact us:
- Ping @potatehoes#7782 on the Unofficial Vex Discord Server
- Email [email protected]
- PM us on the Vex Forum
If you would like to join the mailing list, please email [email protected] that you would like to do so.
AutoLib is licensed under the MIT License.
Huge Thanks to the following. AutoLib wouldn't be AutoLib without these wonderful people.
Theo Lemay, 7842F - theol0403
Ryan Benasutti, WPI - Octogonapus
Alex Brooke, PROS - hotelcalifornia
Nick Mertin, QUEEN - nickmertin
Dysproh, 2158A - dysproh
Benjamin Gubler - nebrelbug
David Jones - jonesde