Hatcher is a slack bot written in go. It can:
- Send and save standup notes
Go to the following url to create a new app: https://api.slack.com/apps
Retrieve the token https://api.slack.com/apps/{app_id}/install-on-team?
Bot User OAuth Access Token: xoxb-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Create an environment variable name SLACK_TOKEN with the value of the token you just created:
export SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Start ngrok
ngrok http 9191
Copy and past the ngrok url into https://api.slack.com/apps/{app_id}/interactive-messages?
Start the stack with:
docker-compose up
Your users will have to interact a first time with Hatcher by sending a DM saying hello
It will trigger few questions that need to be answered before the user can use the bot.
You can find out all the bot commands available by sending help
to Hatcher