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Initial commit, of old code that needs a little love
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techhat committed Aug 11, 2011
1 parent 1c18b54 commit 3cd74ee
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Showing 7 changed files with 265 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _nzbls
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _nzbsize
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nzbinfo
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions nzbls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
for FILE in "${@}"
if [ "${FILE}" = "-g" ]; then
_nzbls ${TRYTOGUESS} "${FILE}"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nzbrm
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions nzbsize
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
for FILE in "${@}"
_nzbsize "${FILE}"
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions nzbtools
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@

use strict;
use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
use Time::Format qw(%time);
use Term::ReadKey;
use Data::Dumper;

my $file_name;
my $trytoguess;
if ( $ARGV[1] ) {
$trytoguess = 1 if $ARGV[0] =~ m{-g};
$file_name = $ARGV[1];
else {
$file_name = $ARGV[0];
help() unless $file_name;

my $timeformat = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
my @exts = (
'nfo', 'nzb', 'par', 'rar', 'zip', 'mp3', 'avi', 'wmv',
'mpg', 'mpeg', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'iso', 'sfv',
my $totalbytes;
my $bytes;
my %groups;
my $filecount;
my %dates;
my %posters;
my %filetypes;
my %files; #
my $infile; # This flag shows that we are currently between file tags
my $currentfile;
my $currentfilename;
my $currentfiledate;
my $currentfileposter;
my $guessedfilename;
my $subject;
my $segments;

my $widthbytes = 1;
my $widthdate = 1;
my $widthname = 1;
my $widthguessedname = 1;
my $widthsegments = 1;
my $widthposter = 1;
my $widthsubject = 1;

open INPUT, "<$file_name";
while ( my $file = <INPUT> ) {
$groups{$1} = 1 if $file =~ m{<group>(.*)</group>};
if ( $file =~ m{<file.*>} ) {
$file =~ m{subject="(.*?)"};
$currentfilename = $1;

$subject = $1;
$subject =~ s{&#34;}{"}g;
if ( length($subject) > 44 ) {
my $subjectlength = length($subject);
$subject = substr($subject, 0, 21) . '...' . substr($subject, $subjectlength - 21, 21);

$infile = 1;
$dates{$1} = 1 if $file =~ m{date="(.*?)"};
$currentfiledate = $1;
$posters{$1} = 1 if $file =~ m{poster="(.*?)"};
$currentfileposter = $1;
# Remove par2 files first, so that they don't conflict with par files
if ( $file =~ m{(\w.*?\.par2)}i ) {
$filetypes{par2} = 1;
$guessedfilename = $1;
for my $ext ( @exts ) {
if ( $file =~ m{( .*?\.$ext)}i ) {
if ( $ext eq 'par' && $file =~ m{\.part} ) {
else {
$filetypes{$ext} = 1;
$guessedfilename = $1;
$guessedfilename =~ s{.*\s}{};
$guessedfilename =~ s{.*"}{};
$guessedfilename =~ s{\&.*?\;}{};
elsif ( $file =~ m{<segment.*>} ) {
$file =~ m{bytes="(.*?)"};
$totalbytes += $1;
$bytes += $1;
$file =~ m{number="(.*?)"};
if ( $1 eq '1' ) {
$file =~ m{<segment.*?>(.*?)</segment>};
$currentfile = $1;
elsif ( $file =~ m{</file>} ) {
$files{$currentfile}{name} = $currentfilename;
$files{$currentfile}{date} = $currentfiledate;
$files{$currentfile}{poster} = $currentfileposter;
$files{$currentfile}{segments} = $segments;
$files{$currentfile}{bytes} = $bytes;
$files{$currentfile}{guessedname} = $guessedfilename;
$files{$currentfile}{subject} = $subject;

$widthbytes = length($bytes) + 1 if $widthbytes < length($bytes);
$widthdate = length($currentfiledate) + 1 if $widthdate < length($currentfiledate);
$widthname = length($currentfilename) + 1 if $widthname < length($currentfilename);
$widthguessedname = length($guessedfilename) + 1 if $widthguessedname < length($guessedfilename);
$widthguessedname = 45;
$widthsegments = length($segments) + 1 if $widthsegments < length($segments);
$widthposter = length($currentfileposter) + 1 if $widthposter < length($currentfileposter);
$widthsubject = length($subject) + 1 if $widthsubject < length($subject);

$infile = undef;
$bytes = undef;
$segments = undef;
$currentfile = undef;
$currentfilename = undef;
$currentfiledate = undef;
$currentfileposter = undef;
$guessedfilename = undef;
$subject = undef;
$file = undef;
close INPUT;

my $hr = format_bytes( $totalbytes );
my @dates = sort( keys %dates );
my $oldest = $time{$timeformat, shift @dates};
my $newest = $time{$timeformat, pop @dates};

#print Dumper \%ENV;

if ( $ENV{_} =~ m{_nzbls$} ) {
nzbls( $file_name );
elsif ( $ENV{_} =~ m{_nzbsize$} ) {
nzbsize( $file_name );
elsif ( $ENV{_} =~ m{nzbinfo$} ) {
nzbinfo( $file_name );
elsif ( $ENV{_} =~ m{nzbrm$} ) {
nzbrm( $file_name );


sub nzbrm {


sub nzbsize {
my ( $file_name ) = @_;
my $date;
if ( $oldest eq $newest ) {
$date = "$oldest ";
else {
$date = "$oldest - $newest ";
#print "Bytes: $totalbytes\n";
print "$date\t";
print "$hr\t";
print "$filecount\t";
print "$file_name\t";
print "\n";

sub nzbinfo {
my ( $file_name ) = @_;
print "NZB File: $file_name\n";
#print "Bytes: $totalbytes\n";
print "Size: $hr\n";
print "Number of files: $filecount\n";
# Handle nfo file(s) first, since they describe a post
print "Seems to contain .nfo file(s)\n" if $filetypes{nfo};
delete $filetypes{nfo};
print "Seems to contain the following file type(s): " . join(', ', keys %filetypes) . "\n";
print "Group(s): " . join(", \n\t", keys %groups) . "\n";
print "Poster(s): " . join(", \n\t", keys %posters) . "\n";
if ( $oldest eq $newest ) {
print "Date Posted: $oldest\n";
else {
print "Oldest Posted: " . $oldest . "\n";
print "Newest Posted: " . $newest . "\n";
print "\n";

sub nzbls {
my ( $file_name ) = @_;
my ( $width ) = GetTerminalSize();
my $filewidth = $widthsubject;
$filewidth = $widthguessedname if $trytoguess;
#print "$width\n";
#print Dumper \%files;
#print $widthbytes + $widthdate + $widthname + $widthsegments + $widthposter;
#print "\n";
my $printformat = '%-' . $widthguessedname
. 's %' . $widthbytes
. 's %' . $widthsegments
. 's %' . $widthdate
. 's %' . $widthposter . 's' . "\n";
#die $printformat;
my @formatted;
for my $key ( keys %files ) {
# print "$files{$key}{name}\n";
my $filename = $files{$key}{subject};
$filename = $files{$key}{guessedname} if $trytoguess;
push @formatted, sprintf(
$time{$timeformat, $files{$key}{date}},
print sort @formatted;

sub help {
print <<HELP;
NZB Tools
Please do not run the "nzbtools" command directly. It should be run from one of
the following commands:
nzbinfo - Display basic information about the contents of the NZB file
nzbsize - Display dates, sizes and filecounts of NZB file or files on one line
nzbls - Tries to dislay filenames and sizes that the NZB will download
nzbrm - Removes one or more <file>s from an NZB using a pattern
nzbget - Downloads one or more specified <file>s from an NZB

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