Juxy is a library for unit testing XSLT stylesheets from Java using JUnit.
This is a fork of juxy.tigris.org.
Changes in this fork:
- Converted the build system from Ant to Gradle.
- Added samples written in Groovy.
- New class JuxyTextSupport for JUnit4 tests.
The following example is a unit test written in Groovy. It uses the DOMBuilder to generate the input document inline in the test.
import groovy.xml.DOMBuilder
import org.junit.Test
import org.tigris.juxy.JuxyTestSupport;
public class TransformationTest extends JuxyTestSupport {
public void twoAuthors() {
setDocument(DOMBuilder.newInstance().books() {
book() {
authors() {
author("Andrews, Bob")
author("Cooper, Alice")
def result = applyTemplates()
xpathAssert("//author[1]/firstName", "Bob").eval(result)
xpathAssert("//author[2]/firstName", "Alice").eval(result)
You don't need to have Gradle installed to build Juxy. The wrapper script "gradlew" will download Gradle automatically.
Build the sources:
gradlew build
Install the juxy jar into your local Maven repository:
gradlew install
To deploy the juxy jar to a remote Maven repository, set the properties 'uploadRepositoryUrl', 'uploadSnapshotRepositoryUrl', 'uploadRepositoryUsername', and 'uploadRepositoryPassword' in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties and call
gradlew uploadArchives
Generate Eclipse project files:
gradlew eclipse