This is a quick example repo to show one possible method for setting up a rails app to be deployed using Habitat without needing to duplicate configs or rails application code for each service that is being run.
- Ruby 2.6
- Rails 6
- Habitat
The application is setup like a typical Rails application with a couple of exceptions:
- Contains the various habitat plans necessary for building and deploying the application
Deployment is handled via habitat packages.
curl | sudo bash
If you have never configured habitat before be sure to follow the instructions at on how to get started.
cd /path/to/application
hab studio enter
build components/yarn
build components/supersite
build components/supersite-db
build components/supersite-web
build components/supersite-worker
To configure the rails app a few config values need to be setup. This would be for handling settings the decryption key master_key
for the rails secrets or specifying a DATABASE_URL
for connecting to an external database
First setup the master_key
for decrypting rails secrets
Create a
with the following contents[web] master_key = "SOME MASTER KEY"
Apply the config
hab config apply supersite.default $(date +%s) config.toml
hab svc load will/supersite-db
hab svc load will/supersite --bind database:supersite-db -s at-once
hab svc load will/supersite-web -s at-once
hab svc load will/supersite-worker -s at-once
hab pkg exec will/supersite rails c