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Ignore Task Failures

TEP-0050: Ignore Task Failures


Tekton pipelines are defined as a collection of tasks in which each task is executed as a pod on a Kubernetes cluster. Tasks are scheduled and executed in directed acyclic graph where each task represents a node on the graph. Two nodes or two tasks are connected by an edge which is defined using either resource dependency (from or task results) or ordering dependency (runAfter). One single task failure results in a pipeline failure i.e. a task resulting in a failure blocks executing the rest of the graph.

$ kubectl get pr pipelinerun-with-failing-task-csmjr -o json | jq .status.conditions
    "lastTransitionTime": "2021-02-05T18:51:15Z",
    "message": "Tasks Completed: 1 (Failed: 1, Cancelled 0), Skipped: 3",
    "reason": "Failed",
    "status": "False",
    "type": "Succeeded"

Tekton catalog has a wide range of tasks which are designed to be reusable in many pipelines. As a pipeline execution engine, we encourage the pipeline authors to utilize arbitrary tasks from the Tekton catalog. But, many common pipelines have the requirement where a task failure must not block executing the rest of the tasks.

A pipeline author has an option to utilize finally section of the pipeline in which all the final tasks are executed after all the tasks in a graph have completed regardless of success or failure. finally has its own advantages and very helpful in various use cases including notifications, cleanup, etc.

But, the pipeline authors does not have the flexibility to unblock executing the rest of the graph after experiencing a single task failure.


It should be possible to utilize tasks from the Tekton catalog in a pipeline. A pipeline author has no control over the task definitions but may desire to ignore a failure and continue executing the rest of the graph.


  • Design a task failure strategy so that the pipeline author can control the behavior of the underlying tasks and decide whether to continue executing the rest of the graph in the event of failure.

  • Be applicable to any pipeline with references to the tasks in a catalog or inlined task specifications.


  • Not an alternative to combining the tasks in a pipeline which is covered in TEP-0044 Composing Tasks with Tasks.
  • Not optimizing pipeline runtime which is covered in TEP-0046 PipelineRun in a Pod.
  • Eventually users might want to specify both that a task should be permitted to fail, and also control the impact on the overall pipeline execution status (e.g. they may sometimes want the pipeline to continue but eventually fail) but in this proposal we will not provide that flexibility since it can be added later, and users could still get that behavior by having a finally task which looks at the status of the task that was allowed to fail, and it could decide to fail


  • Users should be able to use any task from the catalog without having to alter its specification to allow that task to fail without stopping the execution of a pipeline.

  • It should be possible to know that a task failed, and the rest of the graph was allowed to continue by observing the status of the PipelineRun.

  • When this feature is used to allow a task to fail, the failure of that task should not cause the overall pipeline status to fail (i.e. the task would be considered "successful" for the purposes of determining the status of the pipeline)

Use Cases

  • As a pipeline author, I would like to design a pipeline where a task running unit tests might fail, but the pipeline can continue running integration tests and deploying an application to a staging cluster, so that the application can be shared with other developers for early feedback.

    For example, do not fail the pipeline if unit tests fail. Continue deploying to a staging cluster if integration tests succeed.

             |                     |
             v                     v
         unit tests      integration tests
                        deploy to staging cluster
  • As a pipeline author, I would like to design a pipeline where a task running linting might fail, but can continue running tests, so that my pipeline can report failures from the linting and all the tests.

    For example, do not fail the pipeline if linting fail, continue reporting the linter analysis.

             |                     |
             v                     v
         linting               unit tests
             |                     |
             v                     v
     report linter output    integration tests

    In this example, linting and unit tests are executed in parallel. This specific use case can be supported by pipeline in pipeline approach by creating two separate pipelines, (1) linting -> report linter output and (2) unit tests -> integration tests. pipeline in pipeline approach would be better fit when you want linting to fail the pipeline. But, linting is a very expensive operation and do not want the pipeline to fail if linting fails.

  • As a new Tekton user, I want to migrate existing workflows from the other CI/CD systems that allowed a similar task unit of failure.

    The following pipeline is represented in Jenkins. We can consider stages an equivalent of tasks in a pipeline. In this pipeline, linting and unit test are defined as parallel stages and starts executing at the same time. The catchError on linting ignores lint failure and repairs the overall build status such that the integration tests are executed.

    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
          stage('Lint and Unit Test'){
            parallel {
              stage('Lint') {
                options {catchError(message: "lint failed", buildResult: 'SUCCESS')}
                steps {
                  sh 'make lint'
              stage('Unit Test') {
                steps {
                  sh 'make check'
                  junit 'reports/**/*.xml'
          stage('Integration Test') {
              steps {
                  sh ''
                  junit 'reports/**/TEST-*.xml'

    Jenkins Dashboard

    Jenkins Dashboard showing linting as unstable with catchError setting the stage result to UNSTABLE:

    options {catchError(message: "lint failed", stageResult: 'UNSTABLE', buildResult: 'SUCCESS')}

    Jenkins Dashboard

    Jenkins Dashboard showing linting as failed with catchError setting the stage result to FAILURE:

    options {catchError(message: "lint failed", stageResult: 'FAILURE', buildResult: 'SUCCESS')}

    Jenkins Dashboard


We propose a new field OnError to the PipelineTask definition.

type PipelineTask struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`


	// OnError defines the termination behavior of a pipeline when the task is failed
	// can be set to [ continueAndFail | stopAndFail ]
	OnError OnErrorType `json:onError, "omitempty"`
type OnErrorType string

const (
	// StopAndFail indicates to stop the pipeline if the task is failed
	StopAndFail OnErrorType = "stopAndFail"
	// ContinueAndFail indicates to fail the task run but continue executing the rest of the pipeline
	ContinueAndFail    OnErrorType = "continueAndFail"

Pipeline author can set the OnErrorType field to configure the task failure strategy. If set to StopAndFail, the pipeline is stopped and failed when the task is failed. If set to ContinueAndFail, the failure of task is ignored and the pipeline continues to execute the rest of the DAG.

- name: task1
  onError: continueAndFail
      - image: alpine
        name: exit-with-1
        script: |
          exit 1

This new field OnError will be implemented as an alpha feature and can be enabled by setting enable-api-fields to alpha.

Setting OnError is optional, the default pipeline behavior is StopAndFail

The task run information is available under the pipelineRun.status.childReferences. Note that the original task run status remains as it is irrelevant of the value of OnError (i.e. a failed task with OnError: continueAndFail is still marked as failed). We introduce a new TaskRunReason FailureIgnored indicating the taskrun is failed but the failure is ignored. The detailed failure information can be found in the message field of the task run.

// TaskRunReasonFailureIgnored is the reason set when the Taskrun has failed and the failure is ignored
TaskRunReasonFailureIgnored TaskRunReason = "FailureIgnored"

The task would be considered "successful" ONLY for the purposes of determining the status of the pipeline run, which is represented in pipelineRun.status.conditions (if using full embedded status) or pipelineRun.status.childReferences (if using minimum embedded status). Details can be found in TEP-0100.

To distinguish pipeline run messages with and without ignored task failures, we explicitly add the ignored task failure count to pipelineRun.status.conditions.message in the following way if ignored task failure > 0:

"Tasks Completed: A (Failed: B (Ignored: C), Cancelled D), Skipped: E"

Example Input:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: demo-pipeline-run
    - name: task1
      onError: continueAndFail
          - image: alpine
            name: exit-with-1
            script: |
              exit 1
    - name: task2
          - image: alpine
            name: exit-with-0
            script: |
              exit 0

Example Output:

kind: PipelineRun
  completionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:15Z"
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:15Z"
      message: "Tasks Completed: 2 (Failed: 1 (Ignored: 1), Cancelled 0), Skipped: 0"  
      reason: Succeeded
      status: "True"  # The failed task is considered "successful" when determining the state of pipelineRun
      type: Succeeded
      pipelineTaskName: task1
        completionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:13Z"
          - lastTransitionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:13Z"
            message: ...
            reason: FailureIgnored
            status: "False" # The task is failed when OnError is set to continueAndFail
            type: Succeeded
      pipelineTaskName: task2
        completionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:15Z"
          - lastTransitionTime: "2022-08-15T17:26:15Z"
            message: All Steps have completed executing
            reason: Succeeded
            status: "True"
            type: Succeeded

Ignored Failed Tasks with Retry

Setting Retry and OnError to continueAndFail at the same time is not allowed in this iteration of the TEP, as there is no point to retry a task that allows to fail. Pipeline validation will be added accordingly. We can support retries with ignored failed task in the future if needed.

Emit Results from Ignored Failed Tasks

The task results that are initialized before the task fails will be emitted to pipelineResults and be available to the rest of the DAG if the task is set to onError:continueAndFail.

In the following example, the pipelineRun has 2 tasks. The first task attempts to create 3 results. task1.result1 and task1.result3 are initialized before task1 fails (task1.step1 already terminated before initializing task1.result2). task1.result1 and task1.result3 are emitted to the pipeline result and are available to the resource-dependent task2. task2 (and the overall pipelineRun) are therefore executed successfully.


kind: PipelineRun
  generateName: demo
      - name: task1
        onError: continueAndFail
            - name: result1
            - name: result2
            - name: result3
            - name: step1
              image: alpine
              onError: continue
              script: |
                echo -n "result val 1" > $(results.result1.path)
                exit 1
                echo -n "result val 2" > $(results.result2.path)
            - name: step2
              image: alpine
              onError: stopAndFail
              script: |
                echo -n "result val 3" > $(results.result3.path)
                exit 1
      - name: task2         
            - name: arg1
            - name: step1
              image: alpine
              script: |
                echo "$(params.arg1)"
          - name: arg1
            value: "$(tasks.task1.results.result1)"
      - name: pipeline-result1
        value: $(tasks.task1.results.result1)
      - name: pipeline-result2
        value: $(tasks.task1.results.result2)        
      - name: pipeline-result3
        value: $(tasks.task1.results.result3)  


kind: PipelineRun
  completionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:19Z"
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:19Z"
        "Tasks Completed: 2 (Failed: 1 (Ignored: 1), Cancelled: 0), Skipped:
      reason: Succeeded
      status: "True"
      type: Succeeded
    - name: pipeline-result1
      value: result val 1
    - name: pipeline-result3
      value: result val 3
      pipelineTaskName: task1
        completionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:12Z"
          - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:12Z"
            message: ...
            reason: FailureIgnored
            status: "False"
            type: Succeeded
          - name: result1
            type: string
            value: result val 1
          - name: result3
            type: string
            value: result val 3
      pipelineTaskName: task2
        completionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:19Z"
          - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-16T18:59:19Z"
            message: All Steps have completed executing
            reason: Succeeded
            status: "True"
            type: Succeeded

Tasks with Missing Resource Dependency

The resource-dependent tasks will be skipped with reason Results were missing if the expected result is NOT emitted from a parent task with onError: continueAndFail. Following the above example, if task2 consumes a result that is NOT initialized (task1.result2), task2 will be skipped with reason Results were missing .


# rest of the yaml file is the same as above example
- name: task2         
           - name: arg1
           - name: step1
             image: alpine
             script: |
               echo "$(params.arg1)"
         - name: arg1
           value: "$(tasks.task1.results.result2)"


kind: PipelineRun
    - message:
        "Tasks Completed: 1 (Failed: 1 (Ignored: 1), Cancelled 0), Skipped:
      reason: Completed
      status: "True"
      type: Succeeded
    - name: task2
      reason: Results were missing
      pipelineTaskName: task1
        completionTime: "2022-08-18T15:08:25Z"
          - lastTransitionTime: "2022-08-18T15:08:25Z"
            message: ...
            reason: FailureIgnored
            status: "False"
            type: Succeeded

This behavior is consistent with Guarding a Task only. When we add support for default Results, then the resource-dependent Tasks may be executed if the default Results from the skipped parent Task are specified.


A bool flag

Use a boolean flag indicating to ignore a task failure or not.

A list of ignorable fail tasks in PipelineSpec

Add a new field IgnoreFailureTasks in PipelineSpec indicating the list of tasks that should not block the execution of the Pipeline when failed

type PipelineSpec struct {
   Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
   Resources []PipelineDeclaredResource `json:"resources,omitempty"`
   Tasks []PipelineTask `json:"tasks,omitempty"`
   Params []ParamSpec `json:"params,omitempty"`
   Workspaces []PipelineWorkspaceDeclaration `json:"workspaces,omitempty"`
   Results []PipelineResult `json:"results,omitempty"`
   Finally []PipelineTask `json:"finally,omitempty"`

   IgnoreFailureTasks []string `json:"ignoreFailureTasks,omitempty"`

Future Work

Support parameterization for task.OnError

The failure strategy proposed in this TEP supports only static constant values (continueAndFail and stopAndFail) for onError. We could further extend the support to let users specify values as task parameters (for example onError: $(params.CONTINUE))
