Automate Google Chrome and MS Edge using native AutoHotkey.
使用纯 AutoHotkey 操控 Chrome 和 Edge 。
- Significantly simplifies the manipulation of elements and frames.
Google Chrome
andMicrosoft Edge
are supported.- Error reports directed to user code instead of library code.
- Added 30-seconds timeout for all funtions that could cause a dead loop.
- Simplified creation of ProfilePath.
- Fixed an issue that Chrome to report error due to slow opening.
- Fixed an issue that Chrome to report error due to shortcuts were not found.
- 基于 GeekDude 2023.03.21 Release 版修改,与 GeekDude 版相比有以下增强。
- 大幅简化元素及框架的操作。
- 支持
谷歌 Chrome
、微软 Edge
。 - 报错可直接定位到用户代码,而不是库代码。
- 为所有可能造成死循环的地方添加了默认30秒的超时参数。
- 简化了 Chrome 用户配置目录的创建。
- 修复了 Chrome 打开缓慢而报错的问题。
- 修复了找不到开始菜单中的 Chrome 快捷方式而报错的问题。
You can find more sample code showing how to use this library in the Examples folder.
Examples 目录下有更多示例。
#Include Chrome.ahk
; Create an instance of the Chrome class using
; the folder ChromeProfile to store the user profile
ChromeInst := new Chrome("ChromeProfile")
; Connect to the newly opened tab and navigate to another website
PageInst := ChromeInst.GetPage()
PageInst.Url := ""
; Support for get/set all JS propertys of element
MsgBox % PageInst.querySelector("#MainTitle").outerHTML
PageInst.querySelector("#MainTitle").innerHTML := "Set property is also very easy"
; Support for call all JS methods of element
rect := PageInst.querySelector("#MainTitle").getBoundingClientRect()
MsgBox % rect.x "`n" rect.y
; Return a screenshot of the element (base64 encoded),
base64 := PageInst.querySelector("#MainTitle").Screenshot()
; You can show or save it as an image file by using the ImagePut library.
; ImageShow(base64)
; Execute some JavaScript
PageInst.Evaluate("alert('Hello World!');")
; Close the page
Example for TAB/Page 1
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(1) ; switching to frame A
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame A
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(2) ; switching to frame B
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame B
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(2, 1) ; switching to frame BA
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame BA
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(2) ; switch back to Frame B
PageInst.SwitchToMainPage() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame
Example for TAB/Page 1
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(1) ; switching to frame A
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame A
PageInst.SwitchToFrameByName("B") ; switching to frame B by name
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame B
PageInst.SwitchToFrameByURL(urlOfBA) ; switching to frame BA by url
PageInst.GetElementById(someid) ; this will get element from frame BA
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(2) ; switch back to Frame B
PageInst.SwitchToMainPage() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame
Example for TAB/Page 2
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(1) ; switching to frame X
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(2) ; switching to frame Y
PageInst.SwitchToFrame(3) ; switching to frame Z
PageInst.SwitchToMainPage() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame