Source code for web site at Only basic landing as for now, but more features are coming.
- Prototyping: Bootstrap studio (Mac)
- Favicon generator:
- Gulp build system:
- Live reload of pages via browser-sync module:
- Yandex.Metrika / Google Analytics code snippets
- Map widget: Yandex.Maps
|- source/ other project assets - some procesing done on css (generated uncss.css, index.html processed via critical)
|- build/ automatically generated folder, source for publishing
|- node-modules/ use "npm install" to fill this folder
| .env copy content from .env.example and set proper values for vairables
| .env.example file with list of possible env variables
| gulpfile.js main gulp file, defined taskes are "default", "publish", "critical-css"
| uncss.json config for UnCSS
| script to run UnCSS
| (other stuff)
You should have Gulp preinstalled.
For FTP publishing feature, you should add .env file to root of project, then copy content of .env.example into .env and set proper values for variables.
Build site with default Gulp task:
$ gulp
Default gulp task will clear ./build folder, then build complete project (process HTML/CSS/JS files, IMG and Fonts). Also, watchers for HTML/CSS/IMG are added to monitor changes and re-build project. Gulp will launch dev website with live reloading after project change.
To Build site and then publish it to FTP use "publish" gulp task:
$ gulp publish
If you want to publish site to FTP with each site change, set PUBLISH env variable to any value (in .env or in system's environment). By default, only changed files are published, but this is not 100% reliable, so you can also set PUPLISH_ALL to .env file to publish every file every time.
Project have feature to optimize CSS pages by processing via UnCSS. Processing can be done via running bash script:
$ ./
This script loads file from, then extracts styles and save them to source/css/uncss.css.
Before running this script its recommended to run "gulp publish" to publish most recent version on site.
Project have feature to optimize CSS loading via inlining critical part of CSS (above-the-fold part of page, top one, that is visible to user) into HTML and then async load main CSS via JavaScript on page load.
To use critical, run
$gulp critical-css
This will use /source/index.html as source and output index_cr.html as destination. Then if all is ok with generated file, you can replace index.html with index_cr.html directly on hosting.