Process manager for containers
- run multiple processes in the container
- handle processes lifecycle including spawn/termination/restart
- handle unix signals from kubelet
- intercept processes stdout/stderr
- separated process logs by using logfmt format with labels support
- separated env variables for each process
- support load envs from file
- multiple types of process health checks (http, tcp, exec, file, env, sql, floatingPid, heartBeat), which allows restarting one process as the container in kubernetes pod
- prometheus metrics (execution duration, readiness failed, process cpu/memory usage)
- elasticsearch metrics (probe status, preemption, termination, restart events)
- liveness endpoint which reflects the state of all processes, e.g., if one of the apps isn't healthy, the liveness endpoint will return 503 and kubelet will restart the container, waits until all processes become healthy
- readiness endpoint which reflects the state of all processes and preemption status, e.g., if one of the apps isn't ready, the readiness endpoint will return 503, waits until all processes become healthy
- when all processes started and healthy, process-wrapper creates file /tmp/started (it can be overridden by -readiness-file option), and removes it after shutdown
- handle google cloud preemption gracefully, e.g., if the node is in the preemption state, readiness endpoint will return 503
- small binary size packed by UPX
- ability to start process with specific attributes (uid, gid, chroot, etc)
- support post start hooks (command, sql) which executed after all process probes successfully passed
- write a universal config with all possible sidecar processes and ignore running specific using -skip-commands option
- binary injection via init container, which allows using existing docker images
- yaml configuration is mostly the same as the kubernetes container spec
- unified endpoint for merging multiple Prometheus targets. You can access this functionality at This update simplifies monitoring configurations by consolidating multiple targets into a single endpoint, improving efficiency and manageability.
go run main.go
-config string
config file path
enable debug
drain envoy listeners in case of preemption
-graceful-shutdown-deadline duration
time between SIGTERM/SIGQUIT and SIGKILL (default 10s)
-pyroscope-url string
pyroscope profiler address, e.g. http://localhost:4040
-readiness-file string
readiness file path (default "/tmp/started")
shared lock server
-shared-lock-url string
shared-lock server url, e.g. http://localhost:8191 (default "http://localhost:8191")
-skip-commands string
comma-separated list of ignored commands
prints version
wait readiness
-wait-deadline duration
wait deadline duration (default 2m0s)
Environment Variables:
CONFIG: process-wrapper configuration in JSON format
POD_NAMESPACE: must be set in config to handle fast sidecar termination, and to enrich loki events by namespace label
NODE_NAME: must be set in config to enrich events with labels send to metrics-server
HANDLE_PREEMPTION: handle google cloud preemption events gracefully
ENVOY_DRAIN_URL: make request to envoy admin url to [drain listener]( connections, default is http://localhost:15000/drain_listeners
METADATA_URL: google metadata url, default is
HANDLE_TERMINATION: enable status checking for other containers within the pod
METRICS_SERVER_ADDRESS: metrics-server udp address to send metric events like preemption, restart, probe failure
METRICS_JSON_EXTRA_LABELS: extra labels in JSON format, e.g {\"k8s_cluster\":\"test\"}
METRICS_EXTRA_LABELS_FILE_PATH: extra pod labels mounted from kubernetes downwardAPI
METRICS_EXTRA_LABELS_FILE_EXCLUDE: exclude some pod labels separated by comma, e.g. pod-template-hash,
LOG_FORMAT: LOG_FORMAT=free, disable logfmt format; LOG_FORMAT=auto, autodetect severity level
SHARED_LEASE_SOCKET: shared lock server socket, e.g. ':8191'
SHARED_LEASE_ETCD_ENDPOINTS: etcd endpoints for shared-lease server, e.g. 'localhost:2379'
AMQP_PROBE_RABBITMQ_DSN_TEMPLATE: amqp probe dsn template, e.g. 'amqp://%v:%v@localhost:5673'
AMQP_PROBE_RABBITMQ_USER: amqp probe user 'guest'
AMQP_PROBE_RABBITMQ_PASS: amqp probe password, e.g. 'guest'
curl -v http://localhost:8111/readiness
curl -v http://localhost:8111/liveness
curl -v http://localhost:8111/readiness?wait
curl -v http://localhost:8111/liveness?wait
make docker-build-slim
export VERSION=0.1.8
docker build -t process-wrapper:${VERSION} -f deployment/docker/Dockerfile .
docker push process-wrapper:${VERSION}
helm template -f values.yaml --release-name process-wrapper base_new/ | kubectl apply -f-
- CONFIG - process-wrapper configuration in JSON format
- POD_NAMESPACE - must be set in config to handle fast sidecar termination, and to enrich loki events by namespace label
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- NODE_NAME - must be set in config to enrich events with labels send to metrics-server
- name: NODE_NAME
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
- HANDLE_PREEMPTION - handle google cloud preemption events gracefully by using global health check which propagate traffic switch off to the pod
- ENVOY_DRAIN_URL - make request to envoy admin url to drain listener connections, default is http://localhost:15000/drain_listeners
- METADATA_URL - google metadata url, default is, for local tests run:
go run cmd/metadata-mock/main.go &
NODE_NAME=gke HOSTNAME=local HANDLE_PREEMPTION=true METADATA_URL=http://localhost:8989/computeMetadata/v1/instance/preempted METRICS_SERVER_ADDRESS=localhost:9999 go run -race main.go
- HANDLE_TERMINATION - enable pod status check of other containers in the pod
- METRICS_SERVER_ADDRESS - metrics-server udp address to send metric events like preemption, restart, probe failure
- METRICS_JSON_EXTRA_LABELS - extra labels in JSON format, e.g {"k8s_cluster":"test"}
- METRICS_EXTRA_LABELS_FILE_PATH - extra pod labels mounted from kubernetes downwardAPI
- METRICS_EXTRA_LABELS_FILE_EXCLUDE - exclude some pod labels separated by comma, e.g pod-template-hash,
- LOG_FORMAT - LOG_FORMAT=free, disable logfmt format; LOG_FORMAT=auto, autodetect severity level
- SHARED_LEASE_SOCKET - shared lock server socket ':8191'
- SHARED_LEASE_ETCD_ENDPOINTS - etcd endpoints for shared-lease server, e.g 'localhost:2379'
- name: "app-name"
entrypoint: "sh"
AMQP_URL: "amqp://"
- -c
- "exec /usr/bin/amqproxy -l $LISTEN_ADDRESS -p $LISTEN_PORT $AMQP_URL"
socket: ""
- functionality
- local run (prepare configs)
- signals (SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL, SIGINT, SIGUSR), long termination example
- health checks logic
- postStart hooks
- observability
- metrics (grafana dashboard)
- events (metrics-server/opensearch)
- loki/logfmt
- overhead/pyroscope
- deploy strategies
- big container
- init container
- configuration
- env
- config.yaml
- values.yaml
- default values (periods, thresholds)
rm -rf /tmp/amqp;
mkdir -p /tmp/amqp;
openssl rand -base64 32 > /tmp/amqp/.erlang.cookie;
chmod 0600 /tmp/amqp/.erlang.cookie;
docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -v /tmp/amqp/:/var/lib/rabbitmq/ -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management;