Used to perform vacuum and dump on all databases for hosts defined by the pgconfig files within the config directory.
No ports are exposed, runs only autonomous job via cron.
We have some configurations to make this script work.
Define a directory to store your backup files and include a configuration file for each DBMS host that you need to back up. Look for suggestions in the section "Configuration of DBMS hosts".
The data storage directory is used to map to a volume inside the container, see the docker-compose.yml file or the manual container run session.
The script expects a configuration subdirectory within the data store directory where the configuration files are placed. Look for suggestions in the section "Configuration of DBMS hosts".
Database names and other settings are read from a table within the default postgres database. Look for informations in the section "Defining database names".
Adjust how often this job runs by following the steps in the "Defining Task Schedule" section.
Suppose the data storage directory is /data/, then we need /data/config/ as the location to place the DBMS host settings.
- /data/ (where the backup files and log file is placed)
- /data/config/ (where the hosts setting files is placed)
The setting file example:
We may need more than one host configuration, so repeat the file using a new name.
- /data/config/host1
- /data/config/host2
- /data/config/host3
Use a table to define the names of the databases for which you want to dump or vacuum and dump.
You need to create this table on each server that you want to backup.
This script expects the configuration table "databases_for_bkp" to exist in the maintenance database "postgres", in the schema "public".
On the same DBMS host, some databases may require daily backup and others weekly backup. To define this behavior, we must use the "daily" or "weekly" columns. Do not set "true" for both to avoid dumping the same database on Saturday, or on the other day of the week if the "weekly.cron" has been changed.
-- Table: public.databases_for_bkp
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.databases_for_bkp;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.databases_for_bkp
id serial,
database_name character varying NOT NULL,
note character varying,
created_at date NOT NULL DEFAULT (now())::date,
need_vacuum boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
daily boolean DEFAULT false,
weekly boolean DEFAULT false,
CONSTRAINT databases_for_bkp_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
TABLESPACE pg_default;
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public.databases_for_bkp
OWNER to postgres;
COMMENT ON TABLE public.databases_for_bkp
IS 'Used to keep the list of databases that should be backed up. See the script into "backup-pg-dump" at';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.databases_for_bkp.database_name
IS 'The name of the database that will be backed up';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.databases_for_bkp.need_vacuum
IS 'The "true" value to run vacuum or false otherwise';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.databases_for_bkp.daily
IS 'The "true" value to make daily backup of the database';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.databases_for_bkp.weekly
IS 'The "true" value to make weekly backup of the database';
-- For the initial load of all database names, we can use this.
INSERT INTO public.databases_for_bkp(database_name, need_vacuum, daily, weekly)
SELECT datname, false::boolean, true::boolean, false::boolean FROM pg_database WHERE NOT datistemplate AND datname <> 'postgres';
There are only two options, daily or weekly.
The backup schedule is set to run weekly by default. To change this behavior you must provide "FREQUENCY=DAILY" as environment variable when running the container.
The time is predefined in "weekly.cron" and daily.cron and will only change if you rebuild your container.
The day of the week is Saturday and you also need to change it directly in the "weekly.cron" file and rebuild your container.
How many days to keep backups and logs?
There is a default value for each frequency: 45 days for daily backups and 60 days for weekly backups.
Use the DAYS_TO_KEEP environment variable when running the container to change the default value. See example into "docker-compose.yml" file.
To change the version of the image tag, change the version number within the PROJECT_VERSION file before building.
To build, use the following script.
Before running, read the configuration session.
Using canonical form.
docker run -d --rm --name backup_pg \
-v /volume/directory:/data \
Or use the compose file.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d