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SHOGun-Boot Docker

This project contains a basic docker-compose setup required to develop / run a SHOGun-Boot webapplication.

Description 📙

This repository contains several docker-compose configuration files:

  • common-services.yml: Contains the shared service configurations for all environments.
  • docker-compose.yml: Contains the service configurations for DEVELOPMENT.
  • docker-compose-prod.yml: Contains the service configurations for PRODUCTION.

Requirements 🛠️

  • docker
  • docker-compose-plugin

Please note: If you want to develop SHOGun or some of it's components you might need additional tools (e.g. mvn and node). Consider the README files of the associated repositories for more details.

System architecture

System architecture

Development 🧑‍💻

This repository contains the required configurations to develop all SHOGun related components:

  • SHOGun (the backend part)
  • SHOGun-Admin (the UI for handling SHOGun entities)
  • SHOGun-GIS-Client (the default mapping client)
  • SHOGun-GIS-Client example plugin (a dummy example plugin for demonstration purposes)

Recommended directory structure

To get things started, please check out all required repositories in the recommended directory structure:

├── shogun (
├── shogun-admin (
├── shogun-gis-client (
├── shogun-gis-client-example-plugin (
└── shogun-docker (this repository)

Required steps for the very first start

  • Check and fulfill all development notes of the child components (e.g. installing the maven and node dependencies). For the required repositories the following commands should be used:
    • shogun-gis-client: npm i
    • shogun-gis-client-example-plugin: npm i
    • shogun-admin: npm i
    • shogun: mvn clean install -DskipTests -Djib.skip=true
  • Set all required environment variables (and create a local SSL certificate) by executing ./ create (and adjusting the values if needed).
  • If you are using a different directory layout, make sure to adjust the paths in the .env file
  • Startup Keycloak via docker compose up shogun-keycloak shogun-postgis, import the initial Keycloak data as described in section Keycloak Import and shutdown the services again.
  • Execute chmod -R a+w shogun-solr/solr_data to allow the solr service to write to the directory.


Please ensure you have checked out all required repositores (see Recommended directory structure) and have fulfilled the required steps for the very first start (see Required steps for the very first start).

To start the services required for development of SHOGun (no custom project), just run:

docker compose up --build

You can test whether the SHOGun application started by visiting the URL https://localhost/.

Custom project development

The contents of this repository may be a good starting point for creating a custom project based on SHOGun.

There is a SHOGun example app repository at which demonstrates on how SHOGun can be extended for custom implementations and can be used as follows:

  1. Create a new folder directory as suggested:
├── shogun-example-app (export of
└── shogun-example-docker (export of this repository)
  1. Initialize git in both subdirectories (git init) and adjust the upstream to your needs (e.g. git remote add upstream [email protected]:yourorg/shogun-example.git).

  2. (Optional) Make use of the prebuilt images for both the shogun-admin and shogun-gis-client by adjusting the docker-compose.yml:

    -    build:
    -      context: ${SHOGUN_ADMIN_DIR}
    -      dockerfile:
    -    volumes:
    -      - ${SHOGUN_ADMIN_DIR}:/app
    +    image:
    -    build:
    -      context: ${SHOGUN_CLIENT_DIR}
    -      dockerfile:
    -    volumes:
    -      - ${SHOGUN_CLIENT_DIR}:/app
    +    image:
  3. Remove the shogun-gs-interceptor service from the docker-compose.yml.

  4. Update the context path to the shogun-boot service:

    -    context: ${SHOGUN_DIR}/shogun-boot/
    +    context: ${SHOGUN_DIR}/example-backend/
  5. Check for all comments TODO: Adjust to your project in the shogun-example-app and adjust the appropriate lines to your needs (e.g. the name of the project).

  6. Set all required environment variables by executing ./ create (and adjusting the values if needed).

  7. Depending on the mode (development or production) of the shogun-admin and shogun-gis-client, you might need to adjust the reverse proxy settings in the shogun-nginx/dev/default.conf file, e.g.:

    -    proxy_pass http://shogun-admin:8080/;
    +    proxy_pass http://shogun-admin/;
    -    proxy_pass http://shogun-client:8080/;
    +    proxy_pass http://shogun-client/;
  8. Run the services with docker compose up which should be available at https://localhost/ afterwards.

  9. Import the initial Keycloak data, see section Keycloak Import.

Test a prebuilt SHOGun 🏭

You want to see SHOGun in action?

  • Set all required environment variables by executing ./ create (and adjusting the values if needed).
  • Import the initial Keycloak data, see section Keycloak Import.

And start the prebuilt images via:

docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up

You can test whether the SHOGun application started by visiting the URL https://localhost/.

Default credentials 🔐

  • Keycloak Admin: admin:shogun
  • SHOGun Admin: shogun:shogun
  • GeoServer: admin:geoserver


Database update

If you have an existing database from a previous startup and you've updated the PostgreSQL version midway, you might encounter an error similar to the following:

FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 13, which is not compatible with this version 16.1.

In this case it's necessary to backup and restore all databases manually:

  1. Shutdown all running shogun-docker containers (if needed).
  2. Rename the existing database directory, e.g. to postgresql_data_v13 via mv ./shogun-postgis/postgresql_data/ ./shogun-postgis/postgresql_data_v13.
  3. Create a docker-compose-v13.yml containing:
    container_name: shogun-postgis-old
    # Adjust the db version to your existing one
    image: postgis/postgis:13-3.4-alpine
      # Set the renamed database directory name from above
      - ./shogun-postgis/postgresql_data_v13:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z
  1. Start the container via docker compose -f docker-compose-v13.yml up.
  2. Create dumps of all relevant databases (usually keycloak and shogun):
# Change the user if needed
docker exec -it shogun-postgis-old pg_dump -C -h localhost -p 5432 -U shogun -d keycloak > ./shogun-postgis/keycloak.sql
docker exec -it shogun-postgis-old pg_dump -C -h localhost -p 5432 -U shogun -d shogun > ./shogun-postgis/shogun.sql
  1. Stop the container.
  2. Start the updated/current database container via docker compose up shogun-postgis (make sure that ./shogun-postgis/postgresql_data is empty and the directory ./shogun-postgis/init_data is not mounted).
  3. Import the dumps:
# Change the user if needed
docker exec -i shogun-postgis psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U shogun < ./shogun-postgis/keycloak.sql
docker exec -i shogun-postgis psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U shogun < ./shogun-postgis/shogun.sql
  1. Shutdown the database container and restart the full setup with docker compose up (remount the ./shogun-postgis/init_data if needed).
  2. All files/directories created in the steps above (docker-compose-v13.yml, ./shogun-postgis/keycloak.sql, ./shogun-postgis/shogun.sql, ./shogun-postgis/postgresql_data_v13) can be removed if needed.



The following official extensions are installed in GeoServer:

Build the Keycloak extension

If you need to build the keycloak community extension (e.g. while updating the GeoServer), please proceed as follows:

# go to your local GeoServer checkout
git pull upstream main --tags
git checkout <VERSION> # e.g. git checkout 2.22.2
cd src/community
mvn install -PcommunityRelease -DskipTests # this may take a while!
mvn assembly:single -N

# release archives available at src/comunity/target/release/

Afterwards download the gson jar in version 2.8.9 and put it into the extension's zip archive.

Export GeoFence configuration

To export the current configuration of GeoFence just execute:

docker exec -it shogun-postgis pg_dump -C -h localhost -p 5432 -U shogun geofence > ./shogun-postgis/init_data/02_init_geofence.sql



While the Keycloak docker container is running execute:

docker compose exec shogun-keycloak /opt/keycloak/bin/ export --file /tmp/keycloak_export.json

Wait until finished and copy the configuration to your host:

docker compose cp shogun-keycloak:/tmp/keycloak_export.json ./shogun-keycloak/init_data/keycloak_export.json


Copy the configuration to the running Keycloak container:

docker compose cp ./shogun-keycloak/init_data/keycloak_export.json shogun-keycloak:/tmp/keycloak_export.json

and start the import with:

docker compose exec shogun-keycloak /opt/keycloak/bin/ import --file /tmp/keycloak_export.json


The solr instance is preconfigured with a core named search. This can be used immediately after start to import documents.

To avoid error on insufficient permissions while accessing solr update folder permissions as follows:

sudo addgroup --gid 8983 solr
sudo chown -R .solr shogun-solr
sudo chmod -R g+w shogun-solr

Notes for production

If you plan to make use of this setup in production, you're highly encouraged to do so.

But after the initial installation we strongly recommend to change some defaults:

  • Regenerate the default Keycloak client secrets for all clients of confidential access type (e.g. shogun-geoserver):
    • See the documentation.
    • The secret for the shogun-geoserver client needs to be adjusted in the shogun-keycloak role service afterwards.
  • Change all default passwords:
    • GeoServer:
      • Change the password of the admin user (see the documentation).
      • Update the keystore password, store it somewhere not accessible by anyone and delete the file shogun-geoserver/geoserver_data/security/
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Change the password of the shogun user via docker exec shogun-postgis psql -U shogun -c "ALTER USER shogun PASSWORD '<new-password>';".
      • The password needs to be changed in the .env file and in all relevant GeoServer data sources accordingly.
    • Keycloak:
      • Change the password of the admin user (see the documentation).
      • The password needs to be changed in the .env file accordingly.

Note: Please recheck your installation critically if you need to adjust other parts as well. We don't give any warranty this list is complete!