This is a project of preparing a manual of Japanese pBibTeX and upBibTeX.
The main document (pbibtex-manual.pdf) is an official manual of Japanese pBibTeX and upBibTeX.
Current (u)pBibTeX is a forked version of JBibTeX. For historical reasons, we provide the documentations of JBibTeX as-is:
* jbibtex.pdf: Basic description of JBibTeX.
* jbtxdoc.pdf: Japanese translation of btxdoc.pdf, with additional notes for JBibTeX.
* jbtxhak.pdf: Japanese translation of btxhak.pdf, with additional notes for JBibTeX.
Note that descriptions of JBibTeX's encoding handling are incorrect any more with (u)pBibTeX.
The bundle is maintained on GitHub:
The bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
Japanese TeX Development Community