Provides some GitHub Flavoured Markdown extensions for TextMate to make working with GitHub Flavoured Markdown nicer.
- Add a new "Preview" command (overriding the existing Markdown preview) using Redcarpet to render GitHub Flavoured Markdown
- Support triple-backtick raw blocks and support syntax highlighting for various languages (others can be added trivially). There’s also a tab trigger for inserting raw blocks: Just type a single backtick (`) and then hit the tab key.
- Support and highlight GitHub Flavoured Markdown strikethroughs, tables, references, checkboxes and italics
You can also use nicer fonts by installing the GitHub Flavoured Markdown Font Settings bundle.
Check "Markdown (GitHub)" in TextMate 2's Preferences' Bundles.
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
git clone
The above features are tested and working for my day-to-day.
Tested using TextMate 2. May work in TextMate 1 or Sublime Text; I've no idea.
Currently maintained by @noniq, originally created and maintained by @MikeMcQuaid
GitHub-Markdown.tmbundle is licensed under the MIT License. The full license text is available in LICENSE.txt.