This library is for SMS splitting in go.
- Smart message splitting
- Splitting is performed around spaces or after punctuation so that messages remain coherent if concatenation fails at the client.
- Support for 1 or 2 byte reference numbers in user data headers
- Easily extensible character encoding
- Comes with support for GSM and UTF-16 character encodings
- Encodings can be added by implementing the
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
from = "from"
to = []string{"to"}
message = "This message should be split depending on the placement of spaces and " +
"punctuation. If the client fails to stitch the message segments back " +
"together, the user should still be able to read this text."
messageBytes = 55
splitter := gosms.NewSplitter()
SMSs, _ := splitter.Split(from, to, message)
for idx, sms := range SMSs {
fmt.Printf("SMS #%d\n", idx + 1)
fmt.Printf("from : %s\n", sms.GetFrom())
fmt.Printf("to : %s\n", sms.GetTo())
fmt.Printf("content : \"%s\"\n", sms.GetContent())
SMS #1
from : from
to : to
content : "This message should be split depending on the placement "
SMS #2
from : from
to : to
content : "of spaces and punctuation. If the client fails to stitch"
SMS #3
from : from
to : to
content : " the message segments back together, the user should "
SMS #4
from : from
to : to
content : "still be able to read this text."