Simple command line formatting/parsing library because I'm stubborn and want to do my own thing.
DDS3ModelConverter 1.0.0 by TGE (2019)
A model converter for DDS3 engine games.
DDS3ModelConverter <option> <args> [optional parameters]
--input <filepath> (required)
Specifies the path to the file to use as input.
--input-format <auto|pb|mb|f1|obj|dae|fbx>
Specifies the input format of the specified input file.
--output <filepath> (required)
Specifies the path to the file to save the output to.
--output-format <auto|pb|mb|f1|obj|dae|fbx>
Specifies the conversion output format.
When specified, the input is treated as an animation file, rather than a model file which affects the conversion process.
When specified, motions found within the given packed model file are exported when exporting a PB model obj/dae/fbx.
--pb-replace-input <filepath>
Specifies the base PB file to use for the conversion.
--pb-replace-motion-index <0-based index>
Specifies the index of the motion in the PB file to replace.
--pb-replace-motion-pack-index <0-based index>
Specifies the index of the motion pack in the PB file to replace.
Default is 0.
--pb-replace-motion-model-index <0-based index>
Specifies the index of the model in the PB file to use when replacing motions.
Default is 0.
--tmx-scale <decimal scale factor>
Specifies the scaling used for texture conversions.
Default is 1.
When specified, enables the usage of overlay materials.
--mb-unweighted-mesh-type <1|8>
Specifies the mesh type to be used for unweighted meshes.
Default is 1.
--mb-weighted-mesh-type <2|7>
Specifies the mesh type to be used for weighted meshes.
Default is 7.
--mb-mesh-weight-limit <integer>
Specifies the max number of weights to be used per mesh. 3 might give better results.
Default is 4.
--mb-batch-vertex-limit <integer>
Specifies the max number of vertices to be used per batch.
Default is 24.
--f1-lb-replace-input <filepath>
Specifies the base field LB file to use for the conversion.
public class ProgramOptions
[Option( "i", "input", "filepath", "Specifies the path to the file to use as input.", Required = true )]
public string Input { get; set; }
[Option( "if", "input-format", "auto|pb|mb|f1|obj|dae|fbx", "Specifies the input format of the specified input file." )]
public InputFormat InputFormat { get; set; }
[Option( "o", "output", "filepath", "Specifies the path to the file to save the output to.", Required = true )]
public string Output { get; set; }
[Option( "of", "output-format", "auto|pb|mb|f1|obj|dae|fbx", "Specifies the conversion output format." )]
public OutputFormat OutputFormat { get; set; }
[Group( "ai" )]
public AssimpOptions Assimp { get; set; }
[Group( "pb" )]
public PackedModelOptions PackedModel { get; set; }
[Option( "ts", "tmx-scale", "decimal scale factor", "Specifies the scaling used for texture conversions.", DefaultValue = 1.0f )]
public float TmxScale { get; set; }
[Group( "mb" )]
public ModelOptions Model { get; set; }
[Group( "f1" )]
public FieldOptions Field { get; set; }
public class AssimpOptions
[Option( "a", "input-anim", "When specified, the input is treated as an animation file, rather than a model file which affects the conversion process." )]
public bool TreatInputAsAnimation { get; set; }
[Option( "pbm", "output-pb-motion", "When specified, motions found within the given packed model file are exported when exporting a PB model obj/dae/fbx." )]
public bool OutputPbMotion { get; set; }
public class PackedModelOptions
[Option( "i", "replace-input", "filepath", "Specifies the base PB file to use for the conversion." )]
public string ReplaceInput { get; set; }
[Option( "mi", "replace-motion-index", "0-based index", "Specifies the index of the motion in the PB file to replace." )]
public int ReplaceMotionIndex { get; set; } = -1;
[Option( "mpi", "replace-motion-pack-index", "0-based index", "Specifies the index of the motion pack in the PB file to replace.", DefaultValue = 0 )]
public int ReplaceMotionPackIndex { get; set; }
[Option( "mmi", "replace-motion-model-index", "0-based index", "Specifies the index of the model in the PB file to use when replacing motions.", DefaultValue = 0 )]
public int ReplaceMotionModelIndex { get; set; }
public class ModelOptions
[Option( "mo", "material-overlays", "When specified, enables the usage of overlay materials." )]
public bool EnableMaterialOverlays { get; set; }
[Option( "umt", "unweighted-mesh-type", "1|8", "Specifies the mesh type to be used for unweighted meshes.", DefaultValue = 1 )]
public MeshType UnweightedMeshType { get; set; }
[Option( "wmt", "weighted-mesh-type", "2|7", "Specifies the mesh type to be used for weighted meshes.", DefaultValue = 7 )]
public MeshType WeightedMeshType { get; set; }
[Option( "wl", "mesh-weight-limit", "integer", "Specifies the max number of weights to be used per mesh. 3 might give better results.", DefaultValue = 4 )]
public int MeshWeightLimit { get; set; }
[Option( "vl", "batch-vertex-limit", "integer", "Specifies the max number of vertices to be used per batch.", DefaultValue = 24 )]
public int BatchVertexLimit { get; set; }
public class FieldOptions
[Option( "lbi", "lb-replace-input", "filepath", "Specifies the base field LB file to use for the conversion." )]
public string LbReplaceInput { get; set; }
string about = SimpleCommandLineFormatter.Default.FormatAbout<ProgramOptions>( "TGE", "A model converter for DDS3 engine games." );
Console.WriteLine( about );
public static ProgramOptions Options { get; private set; }
static void Main( string[] args )
Options = SimpleCommandLineParser.Default.Parse<ProgramOptions>( args );
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine( e.Message );