I'm a behavioral ecologist focused on applying computational tools to understand questions surrounding wildlife and their use of the landscape.
I am researcher (PDF) at the Urban Wildlife Instute, at Seth Magle's lab, mentored by Maureen Murray and Mason Fidino. I am a former PDF at University of Toronto, in the spatial Ecology lab guided by Marie-Josee Fortin. I analyze the movement and habitat use of urban wildlife, their species interactions, and how it is all influenced by anthropogenic presence. I also analyze human-wildlife coexistence and how it influences One Health in cities. I work with camera trap data, GPS collared data and remote sensing to apply landscape connectivity models, habitat selection models, and machine learning models.
My research interest is to understand the eecological role of urban mammals and how this cascades into other group species, either through competition, predation and seed dispersal.
- 🌍 I'm based in Toronto, working remotely in Chicago, Illinois.
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on interesting projects
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