Records HTTP API (JSON based) calls and compares the them on both HTTP and JSON level. This is helpful when migrating or refactoring APIs to make sure your API contract did not change. It also stores basic performance metrics.
As binary:
$ go get
$ go install
As dependency:
$ go get
$ apidiff -h
Usage: apidiff [OPTIONS] argument ...
compare recorded sessions against a URL
list all recorded API sessions
view detail fo recorded API session
-dir string
path where API calls are stored (default $HOME/.apidiff/)
list all recorded API sessions
-name string
name of session to be recorded
record a new API session
list all recorded API sessions
-v prints current program version
output basic progress
Reads manifest file from both CLI arguments and STDIN:
appidiff -record -name "foo" examples/simple.yaml
$ cat examples/simple.yaml | ./appidiff -record -name "foo"
appidiff -list
appidiff -show "foo"
appidiff -detail "foo" 1
appidiff -del "foo"
Compare existing session against a manifest with other API:
appidiff -compare -name "bar" examples/simple.yaml