A little swift package to generate HOTP and TOTP tokens and save them to the keychain. Featuring a combine publisher that publishes new tokens.
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyTool",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/TG908/OTPKit.git", .from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "MyTool", dependencies: ["OTPKit"]),
- Create TOTP and HOTP tokens π
notifications for current tokens π»- Combine Publisher for newly current tokens π‘
- Save and load accounts from Keychain π
let url = URL(string: "otpauth://totp/foo?secret=wew3k6ztd7kuh5ucg4pejqi4swwrrneh72ad2sdovikfatzbc5huto2j&algorithm=SHA256&digits=6&period=30")!
let account = Account<TOTP>(from: url)
print(account?.otpGenerator.code()) // Prints the TOTP code for the current time.
let keychain = Keychain(service: "ch.gymni.test.otpauth")
let url = URL(string: "otpauth://totp/foo?secret=wew3k6ztd7kuh5ucg4pejqi4swwrrneh72ad2sdovikfatzbc5huto2j&algorithm=SHA256&digits=6&period=30")!
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "wew3k6ztd7kuh5ucg4pejqi4swwrrneh72ad2sdovikfatzbc5huto2j".base32DecodedData! , digits: 6, period: 30)
let account = Account(label: "foo", otp: totp)
try account.save(to: keychain)
let accounts = try? Account.loadAll(from: keychain)
let keychain = Keychain(service: "ch.gymni.test.otpauth")
try! keychain.removeAll()
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234)
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "01234567890".data(using: .ascii)!, digits: 6, period: 30)
let code = totp.code(for: date)
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "01234567890".data(using: .ascii)!, digits: 6, period: 30)
let code = totp.code()
let period: UInt64 = 1234
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "01234567890".data(using: .ascii)!, digits: 6, period: 30)
let code = totp.code(for: period)
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "01234567890".data(using: .ascii)!, digits: 6, period: 30)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .didGenerateNewOTPCode, object: totp, queue: .main) { notification in
let code = notification.userInfo?[TOTP.UserInfoKeys.code] as? String
let totp = TOTP(algorithm: .sha256, secret: "01234567890".data(using: .ascii)!, digits: 6, period: TOTPPublisherTests.period)
let pub = TOTP.TOTPPublisher(totp: totp)
.sink { code in