Note : this script is a simple modification of the wiedehopf Automatic-gain-optimization-for-dump1090-fa
only for rtl-sdr/DVB-T USB receiver, not Airspy or Beast receivers
at 2:45 in the morning, the gain is changed and readsb restarted
changes gain by one step every night, only if required
uses strong signals (messages >-3dB) to determine if gain should be changed
if the percentage of strong signals is greater than 9 percent -> gain is reduced
if the percentage of strong signals is less than 1 percent -> gain is increased
thresholds adjustable in /etc/default/readsb-autogain
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"
Testing it, rough adjustment
Run this every 5 or 10 minutes:
sudo /usr/local/bin/readsb-autogain
Some errors are normal, but it should still change the gain or report that it doesn't need changing. If there aren't many planes around this might be unreliable and you should wait for the nightly adjustment.
not required, will automatically adjust gain one step if required at night
Logs / what is it doing?
sudo journalctl -eu readsb-autogain
Removal / Deinstallation:
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"