Use JSS as a preprocessor to create CSS files.
JSS Preprocessor includes JSS plugins to add the following features:
- Extend rules and rule definitions
- Nested selectors and pseudo selectors
- Camel cased rule properties
- Add default units to numeric values
- Style properties extend each other instead of override
Also, JSS Preprocessor uses autoprefixer to automatically add vendor prefixes.
Install globally with npm:
npm install --global jss-prepocessor
Or install as a dev dependency and use in npm scripts.
npm install --save-dev jss-preprocessor
Write a js file with an export that is valid JSS. For example:
const primaryColor = 'red';
const secondaryColor = 'blue';
module.exports = {
header: {
fontSize: 64,
color: primaryColor,
display: 'flex'
ul: {
backgroundColor: secondaryColor
Will result in the following CSS:
header {
color: red;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
font-size: 64px;
ul {
background-color: blue;
Then use JSS Preprocessor like this:
jss-preprocessor --input styles.js --output styles.css
Or use shorter options:
jss-preprocessor -i styles.js -o styles.css
Also, a js file can be watched for changes by using the --watch or -w option:
jss-preprocessor -i styles.js -o styles.css -w