This is a small proof of concept to perform an initial management of new installed RedHat nodes using Kickstart and Ansible.
- Ansible configuration management
The Ansible main template use two additional directories besides ansible-main in the operational root directory. This is ansible-results and ansible-inventory-XXX where XXX stands for the company or branch or region or whatever is associated with the inventory. In my case it looks like this:
First, you need to create the base directory where all your Ansible scripts will be stored. This could be for example /srv/ansible. Next, you need to have the Github CLI installed to use gh. Switch into the newly created directory and initialize the ansible-main directory:
gh repo clone thbe/ansible-main
mkdir ansible-results
cd ansible-results
mkdir aide cis lynis permissions rkhunter
cd ../ansible-main
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd playbooks/security/results
ln -s ../../../../ansible-results/aide .
ln -s ../../../../ansible-results/cis .
ln -s ../../../../ansible-results/lynis .
ln -s ../../../../ansible-results/permissions .
ln -s ../../../../ansible-results/rkhunter .
gh repo clone XXXX/ansible-inventory-XXX
You need to have Oh-My-ZSH installed to use the GIT shortcuts.
cd ansible-inventory-XXX
cd ../ansible-main
git submodule update --remote
gcsm 'Update roles and playbooks'
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_rhsm
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_hana_cockpit_deployment
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_hana_deployment
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_hana_ha_pacemaker
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_hana_hsr
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_hostagent
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_netweaver_ha_pacemaker
ansible-galaxy install redhat_sap.sap_s4hana_deployment
ansible-galaxy install thbe.common -p roles/ --force-with-deps --verbose
ansible-galaxy install thbe.rhel -p roles/ --force-with-deps --verbose
ansible-galaxy install -p roles/ --force-with-deps --verbose
ansible-galaxy install thbe.baseline -p roles/ --force-with-deps --verbose
ansible-galaxy install -p roles/ --force-with-deps --verbose
# Disable cows
nocows = true
# Run on 50 nodes in parallel
forks = 50
# Use faster strategy
# strategy = free
# Increase fact check timeout
gather_timeout = 30
# Enable host key checking
host_key_checking = true
# Use root on the remote nodes instead of local user
remote_user = ansible
# Standard path to inventory
inventory = /srv/ansible/ansible-main
# Allow switch from root to normal user
pipelining = true
# Use the YAML callback plugin.
stdout_callback = yaml
# Use the stdout_callback when running ad-hoc commands.
bin_ansible_callbacks = false
# Set verbosity
verbosity = 0
# Disable debug
debug = false
# Profiling
callbacks_enabled = timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles
# Configure SSH optimization
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s
Replace [name] with the correct environment name.
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -m ping
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -m setup
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -a "/bin/date"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -a "/bin/hostname"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -a "/bin/uptime"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -a "/bin/free -h"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -m shell -a "/bin/ps aux | /bin/grep chronyd"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -b -m dnf -a "name=* state=latest"
ansible -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml all -b -m service -a "name=ntpd state=started enabled=yes"
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml site.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/generic/reboot_hosts.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/generic/upgrade.yml
Execute the playbooks in the given order to prepare a Azure VM:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/subscription_registration.yml \
--extra-vars 'rhn_activation_key=key rhn_organization_id=id' --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/rhc_register.yml \
--extra-vars 'rhn_activation_key=key rhn_organization_id=id' --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/insights_register.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/upgrade.yml --extra-vars 'rhel_release_version=version' --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml site.yml
Fix the broken GPT tables on the root disk of the Azure VM:
ansible -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml all -a "/opt/rhel/bin/" --limit host_ip/ group
Deploy the new disk layout, upgrade and reboot the new Azure VM:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/disks/os_setup.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/generic/reboot.yml --limit host_ip/ group
Clean up and reporting:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/dnf_autoremove.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/insights_run.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/rhc_status.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/subscription_refresh.yml --limit host_ip/ group
For use as ASCS/ dialog instance execute the following playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/disks/sap_setup.yml --limit host_ip/ group
For use as HANA instance execute the following playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/disks/sap_setup.yml --limit host_ip/ group
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/disks/hana_setup.yml --limit host_ip/ group
For use shared NFS volumes execute the following playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/disks/shared_setup.yml --limit host_ip/ group
hosts.yml # inventory file for production.yml environment
all.yml # here we assign variables to all groups
group1.yml # here we assign variables to particular groups
main.yml # here we assign variables to particular systems
library/ # if any custom modules, put them here (optional)
module_utils/ # if any custom module_utils to support modules, put them here (optional)
filter_plugins/ # if any custom filter plugins, put them here (optional)
site.yml # master playbook
common/ # this hierarchy represents a "role"
main.yml # variables associated with this role
main.yml # default lower priority variables for this role
main.yml # role dependencies
library/ # roles can also include custom modules
module_utils/ # roles can also include custom module_utils
lookup_plugins/ # or other types of plugins, like lookup in this case
main.yml # main task file, includes specific tasks
service.yml # handler files
templates/ # files for use with the template resource
motd.conf.j2 # templates end in .j2
bar.txt # files for use with the copy resource # script files for use with the script resource
platform/ # the same kind of structure as "common" structure above
rhel/ # the same kind of structure as "common" structure above
security/ # the same kind of structure as "common" structure above
baseline/ # the same kind of structure as "common" structure above
sap/ # the same kind of structure as "common" structure above
Add new VMs to inventories/[name]/hosts.yml and create the host-specific configuration under host_vars. Then register the VMs in the RedHat network:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/subscription_registration.yml --extra-vars 'rhn_user=USER_ID rhn_password=PW' --limit "host_ip1, host_ip2, host_ip3"
Ensure that a proper subscription is assigned to the newly registered VMs. Continue with the RHC and Insights registration:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/rhc_register.yml --extra-vars 'rhn_user=USER_ID rhn_password=PW' --limit "host_ip1, host_ip2, host_ip3"
ansible-playbook -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/insights_register.yml --extra-vars 'rhn_user=USER_ID rhn_password=PW' --limit "host_ip1, host_ip2, host_ip3"
The next step is to deploy the standard roles for the new VMs:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/[name]/hosts.yml site.yml
Due to a logic change in one of the package deployments, the initial run sometimes fails on new machines. To fix this, the respective machine needs to be upgraded. After the upgrade the standard roles will apply without an error:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml playbooks/rhel/dnf_upgrade.yml --limit "host_ip1, host_ip2, host_ip3"
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<name>/hosts.yml site.yml
The VMs are now configured with all relevant base settings.